108- A dark Ali

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==========108- A dark AliBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars"You were like my sister, Ali

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108- A dark Ali
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"You were like my sister, Ali. But not anymore. I'm done. I'm so done with you."- Leah Hart.

Leah's P.O.V
"You said you don't know?" Spencer asks Ali, while we were in Ali's bedroom.
"What else was I suppose to say, Spencer?" Ali asks.
"How about 'No'." Em says.
"I was blindfolded, remember?" Ali says.
"I'm sorry, do we seriously have to remind you that you were never actually kidnapped?" I ask.
"There's a man right now being questioned by the police for a crime that never actually happened." Aria says.
"Guys, this is 'A'. I mean, you said he knew about the rock that hit you." Em says. "He knew were you were kept, what you ate, what matress you slept on."
"It's thr same story that you told the doctor." Hann says.
"And Holbrook the night we got back from New York." Spence says.
"Well, it doesn't matter where 'A' got it. What matters is what 'A' is planning to do now." Aria says.
"If 'A' is behind this that's exactly who this guy is going to run to when he panics." I point out.
"What are you saying?" Ali asks.
"I'm saying. If Ali can make him think that he is going to go down for this, we can follow him to 'A' and finally win 'A''s game." I explain.
"Great, we win the game and find out who 'A' is. What happens when we lose?" Aria asks as we all look at eachother.

"Is it werid that we haven't got a 'A' message about this yet?" Hann asks as me, her, Spencer, Emily and Aria leave Alison's house.
"No. I don't need a creepy text to read the writing on the wall." Aria says.
"The second Ali says that this guy kidnapped her, we're going to figure out that Cyrus Petrillo's a sheep farmer in Montana and couldn't possibly have done this." I explain. "And then the whole worlds going to know that Ali is a big fat liar."
"And us! Right now, we are just as big and fat as she is." Hann says.
"Guys, keep your voices down." Em tells us.
"Yeah. At least the cops are here so we don't have to be worried about being imaginary kidnapped." Spence says sarcastically.
"Yeah, but once Tanner finds out that the kidnapping story is a lie, they're going to figure out about New York and Shana real quick." Aria says as we stop walking.
"Ali's not an idiot." Em says. "She's not going to walk right into an 'A' trap."
"We don't know that anymore." Spence says. "We all heard her in there. She's gone rouge."
"Ok, well, someone needs to go back in there and make sure she doesn't ID this guy." Aria says.
"Right, well, Leah, yeah?" Hann asks.
"Yeah." Spence agrees.
"Why me?" I ask. "Spencer's the convincing one."
"Yeah, but your the hardest one to disappoint." Aria says.
"It's about your eyes." Spence says.
2Not to mentio she trust you more then the rest of us combined." Em says.
"Awesome." I say before walking back to the house before turning around. "Em. Please come with."
"Ok." Em says before following me.

"Aria's right. If you identify this person, it will be way to easy for 'A' to prove that you are lying." Em says as me and her stood in Alisons bedroom with Ali.
"We don't even know who this Cyrus person is or where he came from." I add.
"I get it, guys. Ok? I do." Ali says. "But I can't just say that guy is innocent."
"Why not?" Em asks. "Ali, it's..."
There was then a knock on the door and Mr D walks in.
"Oh, Leah, Emily, hi." He says. "I just got back from the station and, girls, could I have a word with Ali?"
"Dad, Leah already knows because she was there and I told Em." Ali tells him.
"Al, you were not suppose to do that." Mr D tells her.
"They helped save my life. They deserve to know what's going on." Ali says.
"The person you should be talking to is Tanner." He says. "That man knew every detail. How would he know that unless he did it?" He then goes and sits next to Ali on the bed. "He confessed already. The police said the same man could have killed your mom and Bethany Young. We're all here to support you, Al. Leah, Emily, all of your friends. We all want the same thing. To put this man away for a very long time."
Mr D then looks at me and Emily and gestures for us to say something.
"Yeah." Em says.
"We... We all want you safe." I tell her.
"Whatever you are afraid of, please, don't be. This man is behind bars and all we have to do is keep him there." Mr D ressures her.

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