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==========08-Leaving Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "I can't believe you are leaving, again! We are going to miss you so much

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Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"I can't believe you are leaving, again! We are going to miss you so much."- Emily Fields

Leah's P.O.V
Me, Aria, Hanna, Emily and Spencer we all out Spencer's house sorting some stuff out for Ali's memorial.
"I was afraid she wouldn't get it done in time for the memorial." Aria says as her and Spencer push a hug box into the room.
"And this is someone from your mom's gallery?" I ask.
"Right." Aria answer.
"Where is your mom?" Emily asks.
"There's an apartment above the gallery, so she's staying there." Aria replies. "For now."
"That's kind of weird, isn't it?" Hanna asks. "Your mom moving out."
"Yeah, like my dad should have left. That's what you'd expect." Aria replies.
"Aria." Spencer says.
"Hey, I'm sorry." Aria says as she looks at Hanna who looks a bit hurt by what she said. "I didn't mean it like that. The whole thing just sucks."
"I know." Hanna says as Aria, Spencer, Emily and me open the box.
"Did anyone call Shelly Leonard?" Emily asks.
"Done, and I told her if she plays anything depressing, I will kick in her cello." Spencer answers.
"Oh, what about the programme?" I ask handing her the screws that were keeping the box close.
"Almost done, but we should finish it before Ali's brother gets here." Spencer responds.
"When is that?" Aria asks.
"Tonight. And he wants to see us in the morning." Spencer replies.
"You know? I barely remember Jason." Hanna says getting up and joining us.
"We didn't know him." I remind them. "He was just Ali's older brother down the hall."
"Behind a closed door." Aria adds.
"With his hardcore punk music vibrating the floorboards." Emily finishes.
"How did he get into an ivy league school?" I ask.
"I don't know it must have been affirmative action for goths a emos." Spencer answers as we take the lid off the box.
We stand and look at the bowl inside for a minute. It was a stone bowl that had figures of the five of us and Ali on the rim.
"Wow." Aria says.
"It's beautiful." I say.
"Pedestal's already out there, next to the bench, This goes up Friday morning." Spencer tells us.
"Do you think Jason will like it?" Emily asks.
"Of course he'll like it." Hanna replies.
"You know... years from now people are going to see this memorial, and thats all they'll ever know about Ali." I say. "She'll be the girl they dedicated the bench to."
"We'll all be gone, but Ali still be remembered." Aria finishes.
"That's Immortality, my darlings." Spencer says causing me to have a flashback.

Leah Hart, Spencer Hastings, Aria Montgomery, Emily Fields, Hanna Marin and Alison DiLaurentis were all at the beach at a party and were all sunbathing.
"You know, I wish we could just choose the age that we wanted to be and... just stay there." Aria says looking at the other four girls.
"The only way to do that is to die young, leave a beautiful corpse." Alison replies.
"Don't joke." Leah tells her.
"It's not a joke." Ali says looking at Leah before looking back at the others. "Oh, come on. Haven't you guys ever thought about how deliciously tragic it would be to die in some incredibly mysterious way? That would be superior."
"Is that really how you want to go, Alison?" Spencer asks.
"Not just yet." Alison replies shrugging her shoulders.
"Don't talk like that." Hanna tells her.
"It's gruesome." Emily adds.
"It's not gruesome." Ali repsonds. "It's immortality, my darlings."

Best friends brother- Pretty Little LiarsWhere stories live. Discover now