118- Pretty isn't the point

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==========118- Pretty isn't the pointBest friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "Just know

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118- Pretty isn't the point
Best friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"Just know. I still love you and I always will. I'll forever love you more then I love anyone else. I really am in love with you, Mike."- Leah Hart

Leah's P.O.V
"Thanks for helping me get this job." Ethan says as we stood in the kitchen of the brew, he was doing dishes while I was cutting up some vegatables that the chef was going to be using today.
"You're really thanking me for helping you get a job that mainly includes you washing dishes?" I ask.
"Hey, it pays me. And that's all that matters. Ever since my parents cut me off, I could use all the money I can get." He says.
"Don't worry I know how you feel." I say.
It had been a couple days since me, Aria, Spencer and Emily saw Cyrus and Mike together and a lot had happened. Including my mom kicking me out.

Leah Hart had just signed up for the beauty pageant that was happening in Rosewood and she walks into the kitchen to tell her mom.
"Hey mom. I got some news for you." She tells Elizabeth.
"What is it hunny?" Elizabeth asks.
"You know that beauty pageant that's happening?" Leah asks causing her mom to nod. "Well, I signed up for it."
"What!" Elizabeth asks.
"It includes singing, acting and dancing. You don't need to do all free but you have to at least do one. But, I've signed up to do all three and the pagent want me to be the face of the event since I'm the only one to sign up to do all three." Leah explains. "Isn't that cool."
"No, it isn't." Elizabeth replies.
"What do you mean?" I ask.
"Leah, you need to focus on school." Mrs Hart tells her daughter.
"But Mom, this is my dream. If I do this I may actually have a shot at getting a career in acting, singing and dancing." Leah replies.
"Leah, this isn't a good idea, hunny. Acting, singing and dancing are going to take you no where. Your better to stay focused on school and get good grades. That is what will give you a good future, not some pageant." Elizabeth says.
"Mom, please. I really want to do this." Leah begs.
"I said no." Elizabeth says.
"God. I hate you!" Leah shouts.
"You know what, go pack your things and get out." Elizabeth shouts.
"What?" Leah asks.
"You heard me." Elizabeth says.
"Where am I meant to go?" Leah asks.
"I don't care that's your problem. Get your things and get out!" Elizabeth shouts.
"You see this is why I hate you!" Leah screams before running upstairs.
She packs all her things before leaving the house
_____End of flashback_____

Leah's P.O.V
I haven't seen or talked to my mom since the fight. I called my dad to see if I could go live with him but he agreed with my mom. So ever since then I have been living with Ezra. I haven't told him what happened yet but I was planning on explaining it to him tonight.
"Ok. I'm done." Ethan says coming over to me.
"And so am I." I say before holding the knife, I had been using, out to him. "Looks, like you got enough dish to clean."
Ethan laughs and rolls his eyes before taking the knife and cleaning it and then we head back out to the front were were see Emily.
"Oh hey." I say.
"Oh hey guys. Didn't know you were here." Em says.
"Just finished my first shift. I'm going to go home and get changed then I'll be back for my second." Ethan explains before giving me a hug. "See you later."
"See you." I say before Ethan leaves.
"Leah just so you know. Me and the girls were looking through, Mike's room and we found a necklace that had beads on the spelt. 'I'm with you' in morsecode." Em explains.
"I'll go talk to Ali and see what I can find out. But I'm not doing this for you guys. I'm doing it for me." I tell her.
The girls had been trying to get me to forgive them for a few days now but I just couldn't. I wanted to, they were my best friends. But I just can't bring myself to do it.
"Ok." She says nodding before they bell above the door opens and Mike walks in on his phone. "Oh hey Mike. We're not actually open, yet."
"Leah's here." He replies looking up.
"My brother owns the cafe, remember?" I say.
"Right. Well the door was open." He says before he walks over. "Can I get some coffee to go?"
"Yeah." Em says before grabbing a cup.
"Ok, I'm going to go. Promised Ezra I would help him with something. See you both around." I say before leaving.

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