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==========25-TroublesBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "You need to talk to me, Leah

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Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"You need to talk to me, Leah. That's what I am here for. That's what boyfriend are meant to do. They are meant to listen."- Mike Montgomery.

_____Leah's Dream_____
Me and the girls were watching a film at the cinema and we were the only ones in the theatre.
"Wait, seriously? You think Jason is hiding him in the house?" I ask.
"Why would he? Ian killed his sister. That doesn't make sense." Emily adds.
"Look I didn't say I was positive. I'm just you guys Melissa is sneaking out to meet Ian... on foot." Spencer answers.
"Ok, your sister needs one of those dog collars. You know one that zaps your ass. Whenever you leave the property." Hanna says.
"Hanna." Aria tells her in a warning tone.
"It's not just that. Her phone rings, and she has to leave the room to answer it." Spencer replies. "I mean what's up with that?"
"I still don't buy Jason would help him." Em says. "I mean, didn't he call Ian a 'phoney jerk'?"
"Yeah, I mean when did that change?" I ask.
"It's Jason, you guys. Who knows what to believe? He was wasted the whole summer Ali disappeared." Spencer says before gesturing to the screen. "He'd probably take that guy in for a six pack."
"But I thought Jason told you he was clean and sober now." Aria says.
"Aria, I've had, like, three conversations with him." I never asked him for a urnie sample." Spencer replies.
"Ok, gagging now." Hann says.
"So, how are we supposed to keep 24-7 tabs on Melissa, when we're not even allowed inside you house?" I ask.
Spencer then looks behind us.
"You guys." Spencer says causing us to look back as well but we don't see anything.
"What did you see?" Em asks her.
The screen then goes all werif and we look back again to see someone in a black hoodie sat there.
"Hanna lets go." Spencer says as we all get our stuff together.
"No I an't find my other shoe!" Hann says.
The person was now in front of us with a flashlight.
"Ian is that..."
Then the black figure jumps towards us.
_____End Of Dream_____

Leah's P.O.V
Me, Aria, Hanna and Spencer were waiting in the toilet stalls for the girl who was stood next to Emily washing her hands to leave. When she does we all come out of the stall we were in at the same time.
"Whoo! We got to find a better place to do this." I tell the girls. Somewhere preferably with a fan."
"Good luck we are going to have to dig a tunnel under the school." Em replies.
"Yeah, not with those hands. You need some serious moisturiser." Hanna tells her before digging into her bag.
"This letter isn't that bad, Emily." Spencer tells ask a letter Em had faked to her mom from the college scout that was interested in her.
"It's bad." Em says.
"Won't your mom be impressed the scout even toke toke to write?" Aria asks.
"Here us this." Hanna tells Em handing her some moisturiser. "It cost more than my purse."
"Guys this is a maybe letter. My mom needs to see something real, something that says, "Let her stay in Rosewood, we want her. Don't take her to Texas." Emily says.
"Em, there's other colleges." I remind her.
"Yeah, other scouts will want you." Spence adds.
"When? My moms already packed up the whole kitchen. She keeps telling me how much I'm going to like the rodeo." Emily replies.
We then hear people talking outside.
"Let's do this later, ok?" Aria asks.
"What about after school?" Hann suggest.
"Can't today, I've got field hockey." Spence answers.
"I have swim practice." Em answers.
"And me and Leah are starting are class at Hollis." Aria adds.
"Well I'm just going to watch and maybe take part I'm not actually in the class." I correct her.
"Wait, is Jackie going to be teaching it?" Spencer asks Aria.
"No, no. This is not about stalking." Aria answers. "If Ezra says it's over between them, I believe him."
"So what, you're just going to hang around campus with binoculars?" Hanna asks.'
"I'm following our therapist on having separate time, ok?" Aria asks as she goes over to the mirror.
"How does that work if Leah will be there?" Em asks.
"I'm just there to keep a eye on her with Jackie." I answer.
"It's a extension course." Aria says fixing her hair. "If I happen to numb into Ezra, that's just a bonus."
"Oh, nice bonus." Spencer says.
"Yeah, great. Everyone's got a life expect for me." Hanna says.
"I thought you were going to go to the mall with Mona." I tell her.
"Ok, stealing moisturiser is not a life, it's a hobby." Hanna replies."it's getting really boring."
"You stole this?" Spencer asks referring to the moisturiser which was in her hand.
"No, it's a sample." Hanna answers.
Someone then comes into the toilets and we look at eachother before Aria and Hanna goes to the stalls, Emily continues to wash her hands and me and Spencer leave.

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