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==========163- Till deAth do us apArtBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars"I couldn't imagine anyone better to spend the rest of my life with

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163- Till deAth do us apArt
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"I couldn't imagine anyone better to spend the rest of my life with."- Mike Montgomery

Leah's P.O.V
1 'AD' free year and it felt amazing. The film I had been working on while we were dealing with 'Ad' was coming out in a few days and I couldn't be more excited or happy.
My brother and Aria haven't yet got married, but their book may be becoming a film soon.
I was on set for my new show, Ezra and Aria were here to talk to the company. They had just gotten out of the meeting and I was luckily on break so I went to meet them.
When I find them they were kissing.
"Jesus. Could you guys do that somewhere privately?" I ask walking over to them.
"Hey." Aria says hugging me.
"Hi." I reply hugging her back. "So, how did the meeting go?"
"It went well. How's filming going?" Ezra asks hugging me.
"It's going good. Very tiring though." I reply.
"How long until you finish for today?" Aria asks.
"Only a couple hours." I answer.
"We could hang around until you get off then we can all go for a meal at the Radley." Ezra suggests.
"Yeah sure. That sounds nice." I say. "I've got to get back to set. I'll see you guys later."
I then quickly run back to set making it back just in time.

That night...

Leah's P.O.V
Tonight was Ezra and Aria's bachelor/ bachelorette party. It was being held at the lost woods, which Spencer, Alison and Jason now owned after Mary had gave it to them. Jason was back in town for the wedding and had helped the other's set up the back, where the party was going to be, while my job was to keep Ezra and Aria distracted for the day so they wouldn't of come by and spoilt the surprise. Mike, Jason, Caleb, Toby, Emily and Hanna were all out the back waiting for me, Ezra, Aria, Emily and Alison who were still inside as me, Ezra and Aria just got here and Spencer and Ali decided to show us around, as it had changed a lot.
"Wow, I would have never known this was the Lost Wood Resort." Ezra says as we look around.
"Spencer researched the history and philosophy of all the great camps in the Adirondacks." Aria tells him.
"Oh, of course you did." Ezra says with a smile and a small laugh.
"Have you told Mary?" I ask.
"We decided when us to and Jason are ready we will all tell her together." Alison replies.
"Ok, you can come on out now." Em says coming in.
"All right, so what's this big surprise?" Aria asks.
"Wait for it." Spence says with a smile before we walk outside.
As we walk out Jason turns the fairy lights on and we see the beautiful dinner that was set up.
"Surprise." We all shout.
"You guys. Oh, it's beautiful." Aria says.
"I thought we were going to have a kegger." Ezra says jokingly.
"Well, me too." Toby says.
"My vote got shot down." Caleb says.
"Well, since we can't go with you on your honeymoon..." Hann says.
"Cause that would be weird." I cut in.
"We thought we would spend a night in Provence with you guys." Em says as we all walk towards the table.
"We're just jealous that you're going to France and we're not." Ali adds as we sit down.

Best friends brother- Pretty Little LiarsWhere stories live. Discover now