70- Will the circle be unbroken?

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==========70- Will the circle be unbroken?Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "Only question is how the hell did it take people four days to find out Spencer was well

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70- Will the circle be unbroken?
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"Only question is how the hell did it take people four days to find out Spencer was well... Spencer?"- Leah Hart

Leah's P.O.V
It had been a few days since I went to Virginia and I was now back in Rosewood. My parent weren't to happy with me, but, they were happy I at least werent and saw Jason instead of going to no one last time.

I was currently at school with the girls besides Spencer. We still had no clue where she was and were all pretty worried.
"I was hoping she would be here." Em says turning to look at me, Aria and Hann.
"Do you think Spencer just didn't get your SOS?" Aria asks.
"Maybe but she must have got one of the other 12 messages we sent." Em replies.
"Ok, you guys, she has ditched school before." Hann points out. "All right? It's not a big deal."
"Yeah, you're right, I guess." I say with a sigh.
"Ok, we just need to get through today. If she doesn't call or show up, we'll go to her house after school." Em says as the beel goes off.
While we were walking to go inside the building the principle and Spencer's sister comes up to us.
"Girls, good, you're all together. I think you know Spencer's sister Melissa..." The principle starts saying.
"Have you seen Spencer?" Melissa asks. "Have you talked to her?"
"Not for a couple days." Em replies.
"Is something wrong?" Aria asks.
"Spence hasn't been home for a few days. She's not answering her phone. I was hoping she was here with you and had been staying at one of your houses." Melissa informs us. "Which is why I came here before going to the police."
"Police?" Hann asks.
"I understand Spencer has been a little 'distracted' recently. Is there something on her mind that she shared with you?" Sir asks us. "Anything about her plans?"
"No, Mr Hackett, um... she hasn't said anything to us." I tell him.
"You're her friends she must've said something." Melissa says.
"You can call the polie from my office." Mr Hackett says after a moment of silence.
" Thank you." Melissa says.
"Let me know if you hear from Spencer." Mr Hackett tells us before walking to his office with Melissa.

After class...

Leah's P.O.V
I was at my locker getting my book for next lesson when Mike Montgomery comes up to me.
"Hey. I didn't know you were back." Mike says with a smile leaning against his locker which was still next to mine.
"I got back yesterday. I would have called but I have been really busy." I tell him.
"Trying to find Spencer?" He asks causing me to look at him confused.
"Yeah? How did you know that?" I question.
"I think you forget my sister is also one of your best friends as well as Spencer's." He says causing me to laugh.
"Fair point." I say closing my locker.
"So how was it with Jason?" He asks.
"It was fun. We reconnected. It was nice." I say a small smile on my lips.
"Is he still laying low?" He questions.
"Yes. So be quiet." I say sternly causing him to laugh.
"Yes mam." He says jokingly.
"Well, well, well. If it isn't Leah Hart." Noel Kahn says as we walk past his locker. "First you get sent to some camp cause of taking drugs andnow you go MIA for a few days. Where have you been?"
"It doesn't concern you to you don't you keep your nose out of places it doesn't belong. Who knows if you don't maybe one day it may come back to bite you." I reply as me and Mike continue to walk past.
"Always a pleasure talking to you Hart!" Noel shouts after me.
"You ok?" Mike asks me as we walk rounf the corner.
"Of course I am. It's just Noel Kahn. He's a jerk." I reply.
"You don't think he could be 'A' right?" Mike asks.
"Why would I think that?" I ask.
"I mean he always seems to know everything that's going on with you, Aria and the others." He points out.
"He's Noel Kahn. He knows everything about everyone." I respond. "He may be helping 'A' but he's definitely not 'A' himself."
"Well, I'll be keeping my eye on him." Mike tells me.
"You're sweet." I say before we walk into our classroom.

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