68- Hot water

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==========68- Hot waterBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "We will find her

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68- Hot water
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"We will find her. I just know we will."- Emily Fields

Leah's P.O.V
After what happened at the hospital with Jason me and the girls go to the brew. It was closed but since Em worked there she had a key.
"How you holding up, Lea?" Hann asks me handing me a drink as she sits down opposite me.
"Don't think I'll be taking a elavator anytime soon." I reply.
"Any word from Jason?" Aria asks.
"No. Nothing. And I don't blame him. basically kicked him out of Rosewood. He probably hates me. It's my fault we were in the elevator. If I hadn't gne to talk to him yesterday none of this would have happened." I say.
"He doesn't hate you Leah. He couldn't. You were just trying to keep him safe. And it is not your fault." Em ressures me.
"Do you think now the whole of the N.A.T club is out of Rosewood. Do you think 'A' will retire?" Hann asks.
"Or just have more time for us." Spence says.
"Way to think psoitive Spence." Hann says.
"I just doubt that everything is going to be lilacs and daffodils." Spence says.
"Guys let's focus, Cece lied about knowing Wilden, and then Leah and Jason find a picture of both of them with Ali." Em says.
"Yeah, a picutre that is now gone."Aria says. "Note to self. Anytime we see anything that could be important to us down the road, goes in the phone."
"So is it possible that Cece is, what are we calling her... red coat?" Hann asks.
"I never saw a face." Em says.
"Yeah. Me neither." Hann says.
"What do you think Spencer?" I ask.
"What?" SHe asks back.
"Blonde? Red coat? Captain of the 'A' team?" I list off.
"Maybe it's Cece." She says.
"Pay attention. we need this brain trust on all cylinders." Aria says.
"What happened tonight with you and Wren?" Hann asks seeing a messge on Spencer's phone.
"Oh, um... it's nothing. I... Mona and I had a moment, and he saw it. That's all." Spence explains.
"A moment that might make her try and cut Leah in half?" Em asks.
"No, no, you guys. This wasn't Mona. We were in a different county." Spencer tells us.
"Well, then who do you think it was?" I ask.
There was then a knock on the door. Em goes and answers it as we all stand up. Wilden was stood outside.
"We're closed." Em tells him.
"You're here." He replies.
"I have the keys." Em says
"Yeah, and drinking coffees not a crime." Hann says.
"What are you doing here?" Aria asks as Wilden walks in and Em walks back over to us.
"Looking for you girls." He says.
"Wait you were following us?" I ask.
"Jason DiLaurentis has been saying some nasty things about me." He says.
"Like what?" Hann asks.
"Don't play dumb Hanna." He says. "Wouldn't be the first time you made up a story."
"Well, I don't know what you are talking about, so why don't you just leve us alone." Hann says.
"It's just a question no need to get defensive." He says.
"Why don't you ask Cece Drake." Hann snaps.
"Hanna." I say.
"We know about the little boat ride you two toke with Alison." Hann tells him.
He looks at Hann for a moment before looking at the rest of us.
"It's late." He says.
"We were just leaving." I tell him.
"Care for a ride?" He asks. "It's not safe this time of night."
"We're good." Aria says before he starts walking out but turns back around.
"Oh, Hanna, see you around." He says.
He then leaves and we all look at Hann.

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