110- Taking this one to the grave

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==========110- Taking this one to the graveBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "No! Get away from me!"- Leah Hart==========

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110- Taking this one to the grave
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"No! Get away from me!"- Leah Hart

Thanksgiving day...

Aria's P.O.V
Cops were walking all over the street while me, Ezra, Emily and Hanna stood outside Mona's house, Ezra had his arm around my shoulders. We had gotten a urgent call from leah and ran over here to find blood everywhere. There was no sign of Leah or Mona.
"I'll take your statements now. One at a time." Barry says coming over to us. "Hanna. Let's head over to the porch. You can walk me through this."
"No." Hanna says shaking her head. "No. I-I-I can't go back up there. I don't want to see that again."
A officer comes and taps Barry on the shoulder before they both walk up to the house again.
"You saw all the blood in there. There's no way anyone could have lived through that." I tell Ezra.
Ezra shakes his head and looks away tears falling down his cheeks. I can't imagine how he must be feeling. As far as we know his sister, my best friend is gone.
All our phones then go off.
"It's all your fault 'A'." Em reads out.

Thirty six hours earlier...

Leah's P.O.V
Me and the girls were waiting downstairs in Mona's house while her mom had gone up to get her. When she comes down and sees us she smiles. Her mom heads to the kitchen while Mona walks over to us.
"Why the grim faces?" Mona asks. "Did somebody die?"
"Mona, we need your help." Hann tells her.
"What did she do to you?" Mona asks refering to Ali.
"Nothing... yet." Aria says.
"It's what we think she's about to do." I tell her.
"We just found out Ali's at the police station." Em informs her. "She's talking to the cops."
"And you don't know what she's telling them." Moan says.
"A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on." Spence says.
"Did Ali say that?" Hann asks.
"No. Churchill did." Mona and Spence say at the same time.
"Look, we have been lying for Ali ever since she got back. We need to know what story she is telling the cops." Hann explains.
"So why not ask her?" Mona questions.
"Because we don't believe she'll tell us the truth." I answer.
"And why do you think I can help you?" Mona asks.
"Because you're Mona." Aria says.
"Ok. Come sit down." Mona says before we all do so and she goes over to the window. "Alison stole my life from me when she crowned me Rosewoods biggest loser. And she was so convicning even I started to believe her."
"So that means you'll help us?" Hann asks as mona walks back over to us.
"Look, I know I owe you guys for everything I have done to you. But I'm already number one on her hit list." Mona says. "If Alison finds out I am siding with you guys, I'm afraid to think how far she will go to stop me."
"Are you really that scared of her?" Spence asks.
"Aren't you?" Mona asks. "Isn't that why you're here?"
Mona's mom then comes in with some cookies but Em tells her we have to go so she goes and puts them in a bag for us to take home.
"Have you ever been so focused on something that takes over everything else? Turns you into someone your not?" Mona asks. "I toke all of my Ali- anger out on you guys and I'm sorry for that."
We walk towards the door while Hanna stays behind to wait for the cookies.
"So did you figure out what you are going to do with your sisters going away present?" I ask Spencer.
"Melissa sent me that video because she wanted me to know the turth. Her confession doesn't actually help any of us." Spence says.
"She said it out loud. She buried Bethany." Em says. "She killed her."
"Yeah, becasue she thought I was the one who hit her." Spence says,
"But, you weren't." Aria says. "We all know that, Spence."
"it doesn't matter. In Melissa's story I'm an accessory to murder. That's best case senerio." Spence says before we walk out the house.

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