146- The talented mr Rollins

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==========146- The talented mr RollinsBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars"I understand what's happened and I'll make sure this stays off the internet

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146- The talented mr Rollins
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"I understand what's happened and I'll make sure this stays off the internet. No one will know. But it's she's not back for the film in a month and a half. Her career may be over."- Danielle Turner

Leah's P.O.V
I was at my apartment. Aria was in the bathroom. I was stood up taking my jumper off when I hear a gasp. I turn around to see Aria.
"What?" I ask.
"Your back." She says causing me to remember the scars that I had.
"Oh it's nothing." I reply.
"That's definitely not nothing, Lea." She says. "Those... God those look like burn marks. Did that happen to you in there?"
"Spencer's here." I say after the bell had gone off.
"Leah." Aria tries as I walk past her to the door.

"I told you not to ask Mary for help." Spencer tells Emily.
"ok, we'll if I listened to you. I wouldn't have seen Mary and Elliott together." Em replies.
"So you sure them arguing what's so suspicious about that?" Hanna asks.
I was stil mad at Hanna and to be honest didn't want her here. But even though this is my place while I am here, she deserves to be here. She's just as much apart of this then any of us.
"No. It's the way they argued. Like they were familiar with eachother. This definitely wasn't the first time they met." Em says.
"Then why would they want us to believe that they did?" Aria asks.
"I mean we know Mary is working with a man. Maybe it's him." Em says.
"No, no. Elliott would never hurt Alison. He loves her." I say.
"Does he?" Em asks. "Because since she's been in his care she's only gotten worse."
"Look, I understand why Mary would want to avenge Charlotte's death, but why would he?" Spence asks.
"I don't know. I mean Ali called me begging for help." Em says. "She's clearly scared of someone in there." Em says.
"We'll, it doesn't mean that it's Elliott." Hann says. "I mean, Mary could be working with somebody else."
"If that's true why didn't she cal him for help instead of me?" Em asks.
"All of this happened right after Mary got ahold of Ali's jacket." Spence says.
"Yeah and then we suddenly wasn't allowed to visit anymore." Aria says.
"Maybe that's because he doesn't want us to see what he is doing to her." Spence says.
"Yeah, we'll I did. And it's awful." Em says. "He had her strapped down to a bed like an animal."
"If it is Elliott he's capable of doing a lot more than that." I say.
"We need to get her away from him." Em says.
"How? She he's patient and his wife." Aria says.
"We go to Welby. We talk to someone in charge and we tell them what's going on." Hann says.
"Ok you guys do that. I'm going to talk to Toby to see if he can find a connection between Mary and Elliot." Spence says.
The others all stand up but I stay sat down.
"What is it?" Aria asks.
"I just keep thinking about the night Alison and Elliott came to Your house. When they asked you to marry them. They seemed so in love." I admit.
I don't want to believe that Elliott would hurt Ali. I mean he loves her. Right?

At the Brew...

Leah's P.O.V
I was at the Brew with Hanna, Emily and Aria and Em had just got off the phone with Hanna's mom.
"Why would Hanna's mom be calling you?" I ask.
"She offered me a bartending job at the Radley." Em answers.
"That's great." Hanna says.
"Yeah, but she wants me to start today." Em replies. "And with everything going on I don'y know if I should take it."
"Em, you need to pay for Hollis. We understand." Aria ressures her. "I'm sure Ali will too."
"Are either of you going to tell Ezra about Elliott?" Em asks me and Aria.
"No, he's not here. He's out of town working on notes for the book. That's why I'm staying with Aria and Mike. He doesn't want me alone for even a second after what happened." I say glaring at Hanna a little.
"I'll be right back." Em says before I see her walk over to Sabrina.
Aria and Hanna step forward as I stay back.
"Lea." Aria says touching my arm causing me to flinch. "Sorry."
"I...It's fine." I reply.
"You ok?" Hanna asks.
"I'm fine, no thanks to you." I snap back.
"I'm going to go to the bathroom." Hanna says before leaving.
"You really ok?" Aria asks.
"Please don't ask me that." I reply.
"Look, I don't want to push..." She says.
"And I appreciate that." I respond cutting her off.
"We were all in the dollhouse. I know what you are going through." She says.
"It's not the same." I tell her. "Can you order me a caramel frap. I'll be outside."
"Ok." She says before I step outside.

Best friends brother- Pretty Little LiarsWhere stories live. Discover now