74- Turn of the shoe

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==========74- Turn of the shoeBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "You and Ali were inseparable

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74- Turn of the shoe
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"You and Ali were inseparable. You did everything together. I miss that. I miss seeing thw two of you sitting in this garden laughing and just enjoying the time you spent together."- Jessica DiLaurentis

Leah P.O.V
"When was the last time your mom called you from new york?" Aria asks Hanna.
"I don't know, day  before yesterday. I haven'trealy been keeping track." Hann says.
"Have you checked your phone?" Em asks.
"She called me deom the hotel room, Emily." She replies before holding up her moms phone. "She has no cell."
"I'm sure she's fine Hann. Don't worry bout it." I tell her.
"I hope you're right." She says with a sigh. "I mean who was that freaky women at the funeral?"
"Which freaky women? here were a couple, Hann." I ask.
"The one in black. The one with the veil. And she was just diving into that town car." Hann sys.
"Speaking of freaks, where's Melissa?" Em asks. "Spencer?"
"What?"Spence asks.
"Where's your sister been?" Emily asks again.
"DC. She's interviewing for an inernship." Spence answers.
"With who saran?" Aria asks.
"Wait a second. You think Melissa was the women in black?" I ask.
"Do you?" Em asks back.
"I didn't really get a good look at her. I was trying not to wet myself when that new cop made a beeline over to us." I reply.
"He can beeline all he wants. We didn't do anything to Wilden." Hann says.
"Expect throw his car into a lake and leave fingerprints all over it when 'A' pulled it out." Aria says.
"Spencer, what are you doing with my french fries?" I ask.
"I'm recreating the geography around the lodge to see if it's even possible that the person who jumped out the plane could rescue you four from a burning building." Spence answers before Hanna picks up a mozerella stick. "Put down the moterella stick."
"It's mine."Hann says.
"No it's not. It's a plane." Spence replies causing me to laugh a little.
"Spencer you can stack all the food you want, it wasn't Alison." Aria tells her.
"First Leah and now you. Why are you guys so sure?" Hann asks.
"Because we went to her funeral twice!" I remind her.
"We never saw a body." Hann says.
"Oh my god." I say putting my elbows on the table and bury my face in my hands.
"We've been through this. You were oxygen deprieved." Em says.
"She wasn't and you saw her right?" Hann asks Spence, who stays silent. "Oh so now I'm the crazy one. Gimme my mozzarella back."
"Ok, it looked a lot like Alison and I'm not ruling it out." Spence tells her.
"Soyour saying her mom is laying out all her pillow and toys expecting her return?" Aria asks.
"It was just one two. A clown." I correct.
"Oh god, Leah! Please. Not you two." Aria says.
"What? I'm only correcting you. It doesn't mean anything." I tell her.
"Hey, guys sorry I'm late." Mona says coming over to us. "i've been thinking a lot about the Alison question."
"Really? I've been thinking a lot about how you put my moms phone in Wilden's casket." Hann replies.
"Nice." Mona says as we all get up. "What else fo I have to do to prove we are all in this together? I gave you that chip from his dash cam. And you were all there when my computer was hacked... I have cashed in all of my get out of hell free cards, so if you don't trust me and still think I am keeping secrets, go out and search that RV yourselves."
"Lead the way. We'll follow." Spence says.
Mona then walks out and we follow her.

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