84- Now you see me, now you don't

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==========84- Now you see me, now you don'tBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars"Just know if you need anyone to talk to I am here

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84- Now you see me, now you don't
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"Just know if you need anyone to talk to I am here."- Mike Montgomery

"An eyewitness has stepped forward, and unconfirmed inside sources says thsis witness has detailed information about the crime and the parties involved. So far the district attorney..."

Leah's P.O.V
Hanna turns the news of in the middle of it talking about new evidence in Wilden's murder case. Spence had gone to answer the door after the bell had rung.
"I don't get it. Why would the cops want my mom to go for a line- up, if Travis told the truth?" Hanna asks. "Do you think that 'A' found a way to shut him up again?"
"Hanna, don't go there." Em tells her.
"Travis made you a promise, and he seems like a stand up guy." I ressure her.
"Plus he's really cute. And quite the dancer." Aria says.
"It's addressed to all of us." Spence says coming back in with a package.
We open the package to find 5 magic 8 balls inside with our names on and we pick them up to see wha the messages were.
"If she goes free..."Hann reads.
"You'll hear from me." I read.
"Kisses." Em reads.
"'A'." Aria and Spence both finish.
"So if my mom gets off..." Hann starts.
"Cece's coming for us." Aria finishes.
"I say bring it." I tell them. "Maybe then she'll leave our parents alone."
"Or did she just decalre world war 'A?" Spence asks.

At school...

Leah's P.O.V
"Hey Leah." Mike says coming up to me while I stood at my locker.
"Oh hey." I reply with a smile.
"How's your wrist?" He asks.
"It's doing better. It's healing thats the main thing. But I think it might leave a scar." I say. "It will just be a freindly reminder of this part of my life. Not that I could ever forget it anyway."
"I'm sure it won't scar. It may take a while to disappear but it won't be there forever." He ressures me.
"I hope you're right." I say closing my locker before we walk down the corridor.
"So, I had fun at the dance." He says.
"Me to." I reply. "I'm sorry that I ran halfway through though just had to deal with some stuff."
"It's fine. I mean, I wish you didn't but Iunderstand. You've got a lot going on." He says. "Just know if you need to talk to anyone I will be here for you and you can talk to be about anything."
"Thanks Mike." I say as we get outside my class. "Well this is where we go our seperate ways."
"I guess it is." He says.
"See you later." I say before walking into class.


Leah's P.O.V
Hanna's mom had the charges dropped so she was now free. Me, Hann and the others were currently waiting for her to come downstairs.
"Mrs Marin you look incredible." I tell her as she walks down the stairs.
"Pastor Ted's jaw is going to drop when he sees you in that dress." Em tells her.
"It's not to much?" Mrs Marin asks.
"No!" We all tell her.
"Mom you look perfect." Hann tells her. "And Ted may have the patience of a saint but he's still a man. He's been waiting a while. So go out and have fun."
Mrs Marin leaves and we all head into the kitche.

Best friends brother- Pretty Little LiarsWhere stories live. Discover now