78-Under the gun

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==========78-Under the gunBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "I love you, Leah

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78-Under the gun
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"I love you, Leah. And I'll wait as long as I have to."- Mike Montgomery

Leah's P.O.V
"I can't believe Hann has been arrested." Aria says while me, her and Spencer sit in the brew.
"She's out now." Spencer tells her.
"That's good." Aria says.
"Where's Em? It's not like her to be late." I ask.
"Maybe she got hold of Hanna." Aria suggests.
"Yeah, or she could be avioding me." Spence says.
"Why would she want to avoid you?" I ask.
"I wasn't exactly the nicest to her at the college visit." Spence answers.
"Well you have to apologise or get over it, or do whatever you got to do. We need all brians on board and we are already down one. Got it." Aria tells her.
"Aye aye, captain." Spence says jokingly.
Em then comes over to us.
"Hey Em." I say. "Did you talk to Hanna?"
"How is she?" Aria asks.
"Freaked out. She's waiting to hear back from the DA about the charges." Em explains. "Mean while, the cops are testing her dads gun to see if it is the gun used to kill Wilden."
"They can do that?" I ask.
"Yeah. It's called ballistics." Spence says. "When you fire a gun the barrel leaves grooves on the bullet like a pattern. And if the pattern on the bullet matches the barrel. Bamn that's the murder weapon."
"And there's more. Shana's back. Permanently." Em informs us. "She enrolled at Rosewood high. And took my spot on the swim team."
"What are you talking about?" Aria asks.
"I'm talking about the girl who may have tired to set us on fire, run you over, sitting next to us in social studies." Em responds.
"But why? What does Shana have against us?" I ask.
"Well, Mona said Shana was in love with Jenna- and that they were both afriad of Melissa." Spence says.
"Who moved to London." Em says.
"So Melissa moves out, Shana moves in." Aria says.
"And Jenna gets a new seeing eye dog at Rosewood high." I add.
The new guy working at the brew then drops something.
"On top of tha guess who's in charge of training the new guy. And running open mic night tomorrow." Em says before going to stand up.
"Let me help. Sit down and chill. I'll deal with it. My brother knows him." Aria says before getting up and going to the new guy.

"That's conner, isn't it?" I ask Aria as she comes back over. "Conner, who plays lacrosse with Mike."
"Yeah. It is." She says.
"Ok, let's head out." Spence says as we all stand up.
"Guys." Aria says as we go to leave but she Mona.
"Ugh, mo Mona, mo problems." Spence says sarcastically.
"Can I talk to you?" Mona asks Spencer.
"Where the hell have you been?" I ask.
Mona sarcastically smiles at me before turning back to Spencer.
"I'm sorry that wasn't a question. I need to talk to you. Alone." Mona says.
"You said we were in this together, and then you disappeared." Aria says.
"Whatever you have to say to Spencer you can say to us." Em tells her.
"Have it your way." Mona says. "I've been tracking the missing RV that's where I've been." She says before looking at Spencer. "Toby took it. He gave it to 'A'. But spencer alreayd knew that. She's been covering for him."
"You're lying." I say.
"I'm really not." Mona says.
"Then you better have proof." Em says.
"Look, I'll take hells over hoodie any day of the week, but just because I'm not 'A' anymore doesn't mean I can't recon your asses when I need to. So yeah. I have proof." Mona says.
"Spencer, say something." Aria tells her.
"It's true." Spencer says cauisng us all to go silent.

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