01-First day back

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==========01-First day backBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars"I thought I would never see you again

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01-First day back
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"I thought I would never see you again."- Mike Montgomery

Mike's P.O.V
Today is mine and my familys first day back in Rosewood after Alison DilLaurentis and Leah Hart disappeared. I know this may sound bad but Alisons' disappearance didn't really effect me. The only thing I found hard about it was seeing how much it effected Aria. Leahs' disappearance on the other hand effected me a lot. Leah was probably the only person to ever really get me. She was my best friend. And knowing something bad could have happened to her breaks my heart. I just want to see her again. All I want is to know that she is ok.

Aria pulls up to the school and I get out to go to my Lacrosse tryouts.
"Hey." Aria says stopping me from closing the door. "What time am I picking you up?"
"Uhhh... six." I say before closing the door.
"Ok. I'm going to grab some food." Aria tells me.
I give her a thumbs up before walking away.

Aria's P.O.V
Once Mike had walked away I look at my phone and think about calling the Spencer, Hanna and Emily but decide not to before I drive off to get some food.

Leah's P.O.V
I had landed in Philly a few hours ago. My parents had picked me up and drove me back home. My parents visited me regualrly so it wasn't a big reunion. I had a few hours of sleep as I as exhausted as by the time we got back it was already 3am. Eight now I was upstairs unpacking when my mum walsk in.

"How does it feel to be back home?" My mum asks.
"It feels great. I really missed it." I reply. That was the truth even tough it did feel weird to be back after everything with Alison I was genuinly happy to be back.
"Well, Aria, Mike and their parents came back from Iceland yesterday." My mum tells me.
"Really?" I ask "Thats cool."
"Have you thought about calling the girls?" My mum asks. "They were really worried about you. Coming here and asking me and your dad where you were everyday."
"Did you tell them?" I ask.
"No I didn't." My mum says. "Neither did your dad."
"Thank you." I say with a smile.
"Of course. Do you know who was worried about you the most?" My mum asks with a smirk causing me to look at her confused.
"No who?" I ask.
"Mike Montgomery." My mum says still smirking.
"And why are you smirking at that?" I ask.
"Because I didn't see it before but I definitely do now." My mum says. "You and Mike like eachother."
"No we don't." I reply.
"Whatever you say Hun." My mum replies standing up and putting a hand on my head. "But you should really think about calling him and the girls."
"I'll talk to them tomorrow at school. I'm to tired to meet up with anyone today." I answer.
"Ok. If you need anything my and your dad are downstairs." My mum tells me.
"Thanks." I say before my mum leaves and I look out the window.
"It's nice to be home." I say to myself with a smile.
The next day...

Aria's P.O.V
My dad pulls up to the school to drop me and Mike off before Mike gets out of the car.
"Later." Mike says.
"See ya. Good luck." Dad tells him before he walks away as I go out to the car. "Hey."
I stop and move some hair out of my face.
"Look it's the first day. I don't want to be late." I tell him.
"I love you, Aria. You know that, right?" Dad tells me.
"Yeah, I know." I reply.
"And you know that I love your mum." He says.
"Do you?" I ask.
"I made a mistake, ok? And I will be sorry about it for the rest of my life." Dad replies. "And I hope someday you'll be able to forgive me."
"I hope so too." I reply.
I then get out of the car before dad drives away.

Best friends brother- Pretty Little LiarsWhere stories live. Discover now