18-I'm back

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==========18- I'm backBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "We were

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18- I'm back
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"We were. She was like my older sister."- Leah Hart

Leah's P.O.V
My parent had dropped me off at the airport and before I know it I was on a plane back to Hawaii. I soon land and my grandparents are waiting for me.
"Hey, sweetie." My grandma says hugging me.
"Hey." I reply hugging her back before hugging my grandad.
"It's so nice to see you again." My grandad tells me. "The others are excited to see you to."
"What do you mean?" I ask confused.
"Lucy, Jacob, Lillian, Elliot and Carson are all excited to see you." My grandma tells me.
"I'm excited to see them to." I reply.
"Come on. Let's get you home and unpacked." My grandad says taking my bag out of my hand.
"Thanks." I say before we head out to the car.

Meanwhile in Rosewood...

Aria's P.O.V
"It feels so weird without Leah here." I say as I sit with the girls in the school cafeteria.
"I know but this is what it best for her." Spencer says. "She needs a break. I mean she's been hit by a car by this creep."
"I know but it doesn't feel right." I reply. "I mean what if 'A' goes to Hawaii and hurts her again?"
"If they do that their cover would be blown. They wouldn't risk that." Emily answers.
"How's Mike doing with Leah being gone?" Hanna asks.
"Well considering she's only been gone a day he's doing ok. But, I can tell he is really hurting. I know it's only going to get worse from here." I answer.
"You don't you tell him about you parents. That might cheer him up a bit." Spence Suggests.
"I don't know." I tell the girls. "They will tell him when they are ready."
"This is what it was like last time, and look where it ended up." Hanna says. "Leah ended up in hospital after being hit with a car by 'A'. Do you really want that happening to her again. Or to anyone else?"
"No of course not. But, it's not better that he hears it from them. I don't even think that they know I know." I reply.
"Confront them." Emily says.
"I'm not sure that's a good idea." I answer.
"We can come with you." Spence tells us. "You need to find out what's going on."
"I guess. But I will ask them myself." I tell them they nod before the bell goes so we all get up and go to class.

Meanwhile in Hawaii...

Leah's P.O.V
I was sitting in my grandparents back garden with my back to the house. I was sitting on one of the garden chairs reading a book when I hear the sliding door open. I turn around to see Lucy.
"Oh my god! Leah!" Lucy says running over to me.
"Lucy." I reply standing up just in time for her to jump into my arms.
"Oh my god! I missed you so much!" Lucy says letting go.
"I missed you to." I Reply.
"You have to tell us all about Rosewood." Lucy tells me.
"Us?" I ask confused as I thought only she was here.
"Don't tell me you forgot about us?" I hear a voice saying causing me to turn around and see Lillian, Jacob, Elliot and Carson.
"How could I?" I ask as the all come over and I give them a hug. "I promise I wouldn't forget you and I keep my promises."
"We missed you." Lillian tells me.
"I missed you guys to." I tell them.
"You have to tell us about Rosewood." Elliot says.
"Like now." Carson says.
"Ok. I will calm down." I say with a laugh sitting back down and the others soon follows.
"So tell us. What's been going on in Rosewood?" Jacob asks.
"Well you guys know all about Aria, Spencer, Hanna, Emily and Ali." I say causing the others to nod. "The only thing you guys don't know is that Ali was found dead, the day after I got back."
"Oh, Leah." Lillian says hugging me. "We're so sorry. By how you talked about her you guys were so close."
"We were. She was like my older sister." I say looking down. "And I miss her a lot but I know she's ok. She's with her family who passed and she was close to."
"Do they know what happened?" Jacob asks.
"She was hit with something in the back of the head. She was buried alive. The dirt got into her lungs and she died." I answer.
"God. At least she isn't in pain or she isn't suffering anymore." Lucy says.
"I know. That's how I like to look at it." I reply. "But more positive stuff, I have a boyfriend."
"Please tell me it's that boy you always talked about." Lucy says. "Mike Montgomery, wasn't it?"
"It was and yes it is him." I say with a smile.
"That's great." Lillian says.
We all continue to talk for a while before my grandparents come out and we all go out for dinner.


Mike's P.O.V
I was up in my room texting Leah when there was a knock on my door.
"Come in." I call before the door opens and Aria walks in. "Hey."
"Hey." Aria replies. "I thought I would just come and check on you and see how you are doing."
"I'm doing fine. Why wouldn't I be?" I reply.
"I mean. Your girls friends just moved away. Aren't you a bit upset?" She asks.
"Of course I am upset. But it's not like I can't talk to her. And she's only going to be gone a couple of months."
"If your sure." Aria says before we hear the door open.
"I'm back." We hear dad about.
"I'll see you later." Aria has before leaving my room quickly.
To be honest I am really upset that Leah has left. She's my girlfriend and I miss her like crazy. But I can't tell Aria this because she will just call Leah, then Leah would come back at sight away. And I don't want that. I want her to enjoy some time with her grandparents.

Aria's P.O.V
I walk downstairs and see my dad so I decide to confront him about mum.
"Hey dad." I say walking over to him.
"Hey." He replies.
"Can I ask you something?" I ask.
"Of course, what up?" He asks back.
"Are you having a thing with mum?" I ask.
"What are you talking about?" He questions.
"I saw you guys at school together the other day. When you said you were meeting someone for dinner." I answer.
"Were you following me?" Dad asks causing me to go quiet. "Don't follow me, again. Understand."
I nod before my dad leaves the room.

Meanwhile in Hawaii...

Leah's P.O.V
I walk up to my grandparents room to check what they are doing. I open the door and see they are sleeping with the covers over them so I got to leave but when I turn around I see a note on the back of the door. I take it off and read it.
'This is what you get for trying to run away.- A'
I read the note a couple of times before running over to my grandparents which is when I find that they were pale. I pull the bed covers back to find pools of blood causing my to scream as tears well up in my eyes.
How could 'A' do this?

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