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==========12-Awaken Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "You can't get rid of me that easily, Montgomery

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Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"You can't get rid of me that easily, Montgomery."- Leah Hart

Leah's P.O.V
I slowly open my eyes to find that I am in a room which is all white. I look around to see that it was a hospital room. I look next to me and see my mom asleep on the seat next to my bed.

"Mom?" I ask causing her to wake up and look at me.
"Oh sweetheart. Thank god you are ok." Mom says coming over and kissing me on the forehead.
"What happened?" I ask looking around the room confused.
"You were hit by a car while you were at Mona Vanderwaal's party." Mom answers. "I'm going to have to ask you a few questions ok."
"Ok? Why?" I reply.
"Just to make sure everything is ok. Let me go get your father and a doctor then I will be back ok?" Mom explains to me.
"Ok." I say before my mom leaves the room.
After a while mom comes back with my dad and a doctor.
"It's nice to see you awake, Leah." The doctor tells me.
"How long have I been out for?" I ask.
"Nearly 24 hours." The doctor says. "Now. Your mom is going to show you some photo's of people and your going to say their names if you know them, ok."
"Ok." I reply a bit confused.
My mum then shows me photos of the girls, Mike, their parents, Ali, Jason, the rest of my family and my friends from Hawaii and I get them all right.
"Ok. I'm just going to go and talk to your parent's outside for a bit then they will be back in." The doctor tells me.
"I'll call the girls to come in a bit, ok?" My mom tells me.
"Ok." I say before both her and dad kiss me on the forehead then leave the room with the doctor.

A bit later...

Leah's P.O.V
The girls were now with my in my hospitial. They had just arrived and my parents were getting drinks from the cafe.
"Does it hurt?" Emily asks me.
"A little bit." I answer.
"Do you remember what happened?" Spencer asks.
"Yeah. I remember. I got hit by a car." I answer.
"By 'A'." Hanna says.
"Who's 'A'?" I ask confused.
"Wait? You don't remember 'A'?" Aria asks.
"No." I reply. The girls look at eachother nervously. "Guys? Who's 'A'."
Hanna, Aria and Emily all look at Spencer who sighs.
"So, you know what happened to Ali right?" Spencer asks and I nod. "And you remember you came back the day before she was found?"
"Yeah." I reply.
"Well, ever since then we have been getting messages from this person who goes by 'A'. The messages haven't been so nice." Spencer explains. "'A' also knows our secrets that only Ali did."
"That's impossible. How would this 'A' person know secrets that only Ali did if Ali is dead?" I question.
"We're not sure." Hanna answers.
"Where's your phone?" Spencer asks.
"Right here. Why?" I ask picking up my phone.
"Log into it then hand it here." Spencer says.
"Ok." I say doing what she told me.
"Look." Spencer says handing my phone back.
I look to see a bunch of messages from this 'A' person and everything starts slowly coming back to me. Including all of last night.
"I remember." I say look at all of them. "I also remember all of last night."
"What about last night do you remember?" Emily asks.
"Do you remember who 'A' is?" Aria asks.
"Yes." I say before looking directly at Aria. "Noel Kahn is 'A'."
"What?"Spencer asks.
"Wait are you serious?" Aria asks. "My boyfriend is 'A'?"
"Yeah, I saw him in the woods when I had found Hanna, he left a 'A' message on the back window of a car." I explain.
"What car? Did you see what he wrote?" Emily asks.
"I see you." Aria says causing all eyes to go to her.
""How do you know?" Spencer asks.
"I was in the car." She answers.
"Whose car was it?" Emily asks.
"It was Ezra Fitz." Aria answers.
"Wait? Fitz. As in Mr Fitz?" Spencer asks.
"Aria..." Emily trails off.
"Leah." Spencer says looking at me.
"It was Mr Fitz." Me and Hanna say at the same time.
"Wait you knew?" Spencer asks looking at Hanna.
"Yeah. I was there as well, Spence." Hanna replies.
"You and Mr fitz?" Emily says standing up off the bed.
"You met him at the party?" Spencer asks.
"The call that you got at the party. That was from him wasn't it?" I ask.
"I couldn't tell." Aria says walking closer to all of us. "I couldn't tell anyone. I promised Ezra."
"Ezra?" I ask.
"Since when are we calling teachers by their first name?" Emily asks.
"Hold it." Spencer says also standing up. "This is something that's been going on?"
"You and a teacher?" Emily asks.
"I didn't just get into his car last night. Who do you think I am?" Aria replies.
"How long have you been seeing him?" I ask.
"Since right before school started." Aria answers.
"Wait, a minute?" Spencer says. "Since Labour day!"
"So you don't have a boyfriend in Iceland?" Hanna asks.
"No, I did. But it's not like that." Aria says.
"And you were seeing a teacher when I fixed you up with Noel?" Hanna asks before there was a couple moments of silents. "Oh my god! I fixed you up with Noel."
"Aria, why did you get into his car last night?" I ask.
"He called me and...um..." Aria says before Spencer gives her a look. "Don't look at me like that."
"God, my head hurts just as much as my leg now." I say as Spencer turns away from Aria and turns to me and Hanna.
"What exactly did you both see?" Spencer asks.
"Well, I saw Aria get into a parked car and saw some write something on the back of the car window then handed the binocluors to Leah." Hanna answers.
"That's when the person turned around, and I saw Noel." I add.
"It can't be Noel." Aria says.
"Aria, I saw him." I tell her. "And it's obviously the truth or else I wouldn't be laying in his hospital bed right now."
"Aria, 'A' tried to kill Leah cause she knew who they were." Hanna points out.
"Did any of you guys see who was driving the car?" Aria asks before there was a knock on the door andAria goes to answer it.
"Please tell me its someone with painkillers." I say to myself.
"Noel." Aria says seeing who was behind the door. She looks at us then back at him.
"I just heard about Leah and I thought I would try come to visit." I hear Noel say.
"She just fell asleep. We were getting ready to leave." Aria tells him before looking back at us again then walks out the room.

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