137- New guys, new lies

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==========137- New guys, New liesBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars"I never saw Cece as my sister, even after the truth came out

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137- New guys, New lies
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"I never saw Cece as my sister, even after the truth came out. I couldn't. Not after what she did to you."- Jason DiLaurentis

Ezra Fitz was sat on the couch trying to comprehend what had happened. He was so mad at myself for scaring his sister. He knew that people shouting trigger her from when her parents use to yell at her, but not only that because it is a loud noise it triggers her because of the alarms that went off while they were in the dollhouse.
There was a knock on the door, so He goes to answer it to find Mike.
"We've got a problem. It's Leah."

Ezra's P.O.V
"What do you mean?" I ask letting Mike into the apartment.
"I've got a message from her saying her and Henry were leaving and going back to New York." He tells me.
"What?" I ask shocked.
This is all my fault.
"If she leaves the police will think she is the one who killed Charlotte." He says.
"Come on. We have to stop her." I say before the two of us run out of my apartment.

At the apartment...

Leah's P.O.V
Me and Henry were putting our stuff in the car, getting ready to leave to go back to New York when I hear my name being shouted. I turn to see Ezra and Mike running over.
"What the hell?" I ask when they get to us.
"You can't leave." Mike says out of breath.
"Why not?" I ask. "I don't live in Rosewood anymore. This isn't my home."
"Look, Leah. I'm sorry about what happened. But you can't leave." Ezra tells me.
"Again... why not?" I ask once again.
"Because if you do the cops will think that you had something to do with Charlottes death." Mike says.
"He's right, babe." Henry says coming and putting a hand on my shoulder. "It's best if you stay here."
"I've got work to do. I have to prepare for my next film." I say.
"I'll come back in a few days and bring all the stuff you need, ok? Just stay here and everything will be fine." Henry says.
"Ok. But instead of you coming down in a few days in come up to you on the train stay for a night or two then come back." I tell him.
"Deal." He says before we get my bags out the car.

Once Henry had driven off and I told Ezra and Mike that I needed some time alone to unpack I went up to the apartment and started unpacking. While I was putting my clothes away my phone goes off.
'You know who did it and I'm going to make you talk 😈'
What the hell?

At the Radley...

Leah's P.O.V
After getting the message we all met up at the Radley and were now waiting for Spence to show up.
"Hey guys. I'm so sorry. I was up late last night prepping for a town hall meeting, I turned my phone off." Spence says coming over and putting her phone on the table with the message showing. "Who the hell sent that?"
"Someone who has our new numbers." I reply.
"Like Ali?" Aria asks. "We all know I'm at the top of her suspect list.
"Maybe thats why Sara's hanging around. She might not be able to cut her own meat but she can still type a text." Em says.
"I guess everything so told the judge about Charlotte was a lie." Hann says.
"Maybe she came back here to mourn the death of her mentor." Spence says. "Not her torementor."
"So we're definitely saying that Sara's the stalker?"Aria asks.
"I'm telling you guys that bitch definitely wasn't skohlmed." Em says.
"The only thing we know for sure is that she spent two years helping Charlotte torture us. Which is pelenty of time to perfect the art of cyper stalking." I point out.
"Or it could just be some techie at the phone company with two much time on his hands." Hann says. "God I miss New York. I am addicted to Blue bottle coffee."
"Oh my god. I love Blue bottle coffee. It's so good." I say.
"Right! One cup and you feel like you can handle anything your boss throws at you." Hann says. "Stapler, her phone..."
"Your boss litreally throws things at you?" Em asks.
Hann shurgs before grabbing Spencer's phone.
"Wait what are you doing?" Spence asks.
"I lied to Lorenzo yesterday and he knows it. I don't have anytime to play games." Hann says.
"Like the techies really going to respond." Aria says.
Hanna sends the message before showing us.
'Do I know you?'
"O. The techie's typing." I say as the three dots appear.
"I'm calling Ali." I say before getting my phone.
"Hello?" I hear Ali say after she had answered.
"Hey Al. How are you?" I ask.
"I'm good. How are you?" She replies.
"I'm good. Uhm... where are you? I came to your house but you weren't there." I say.
"Oh I'm out of town at the Rollins family farm in Easten Pennsyvania. We are on a dairy tour right now." She answers.
"So you're with Dr Rollins? Ok, it sounds peaceful there. Well, give us a call if you need anything." I tell her.
"Will do." She says.
"Love you. Bye." I say before hanging up. "She's at the Rollins farm in Eastern Pennsylvania. They are on a dairy tour right now."
"Ok, if Ali's really tasting Amish cheese, do you think that she could be the cyber stalker?" Hann asks.
"'If' is a really big two letter word Hanna." Aria says.
"Whoever this person is, they thik we know who killed Charlotte. And they're sending us text because they want us to rat that person out." Spence says.
"Well we do know, don't we?" Em asks.
"Ezra said he didn't do it." I say.
"Maybe thats what you heard, Leah. But they rest of us heard Ezra kicking us out of his apartment." Spence says.
"Guys." Em says looking at the TV.
We all look to see Lorenzo doing a interview so we stand up and walk closer.
'Every memeber of this police department is taking this case not just seriously, but personally. Without going into detail that could harm the invesigation, I can tell you that we are narrowing down our list of suspects.  We are confident that we know what the murder weapon was and we will find it. The person who killed Charlotte DiLaurentis will be brought to justice.'
I look back to see Aria's dad walking in.
"Aria." I say pointing to him.
"Oh, what's my dad doing here?" Aria says as he enters the elevator.
"Looks like he got a room." Spence says.
"Didn'tknow he was seeing anyone." Aria says.
"Yeah, that's because they are doing it at the Radley." Hann says.
The door of the elevator closes and all our phones go off.
'I found what they are looking for tell me who it belongs to.'
"It's a nine iron." Em says as a picture of a golf club with the number 9 on it shows up.
"You could kill somebody with that." Hann adds.
"Do we really think that's the murder weapon?" I ask.
"Does Ezra play golf?" Spence asks.

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