49- Blood is the new black

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==========49- Blood is the new blackBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "Don't sound to excited about that hann

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49- Blood is the new black
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"Don't sound to excited about that hann."- Leah Hart

Leah's P.O.V
I was in science with Mike, while the others were in English. I use to have English with them but after everything with Mona my grades slipped and I was moved back down to English at my year. Near the end of the lesson I had to go to the toilet and on my way back I ran into Hanna, who was on her way to class and who I walked a bit of the way with, before we saw Emily running out of class.
"Em." I say.
"Emily." Hanna says at the same time as me.
"What's going on?" I ask Spence and Aria as they run out the class as well.
"Don't know. Just come on." Spencer says before we go to the toiley were Em was.
"Em, what's the matter?" Aria asks.
"Talk to us." Hann says.
Em then hands me a bracelet.
"What is that?" Spencer asks taking it.
"Are those teeth?" I ask.
"Please just get rid of it." Em says.
"Are they Alison's?" Aria asks.
"I can't breathe." Em says.
"So it wasn't enough to steal her bones now we are going to get peices of her delivered to us?" I ask.
"Guys, they're probably not even human." Spence says.
"They're totally human!" Hanna says.
"How do you know?" Spencer asks.
"Because I worked at a dentist office, Spencer." Hann responds.
"For two days answering phones." Spence points out.
"Yeah, and there were teeth everwhere!" Hann says. "Even the friggin' bathroom key was shaped like a cuspid."
We then hear shouting outside and go hide in a stall.
"Guys wether or not those are real, this 'A' is working over time to frame us." Aria says. "First the call to Emily from Spencer's phone, then the cemetery photo, and now..."
"This is all my fault." Em says.
"Em. Stop." Hann tells her.
"No. That whole night is like a black hole." Em says. "I still can't figure out how I got to Ali's grave."
"We need to give this to the police." I say taking the necklace off Spencer.
"We can't. We already lied to them about the lakehouse." Spence says.
"Yeah. That was a huge mistake. We keep digging ourselves in deeper." I say. "Burning those photos was one thing. These are teeth, ok? We should at least tell our parents."
"Tell them what?" Aria asks.
"We have no idea what this 'A' knows. Are you ready to explain every lie we've told since Ali died?" Spencer asks.
"You guys, you don't need to protect me, ok? I can take the blame for all of this." Em says.
"Emily, stop." Aria tells her.
"You're not in this by yourself." I add.
"But if you could remember something else for that black hole besides an old car, that'd by nice." Hanna says.
"Hanna." Both me and Aria say at the same time.
"I'm just saying it'd be helpful." Hanna says.
"Can we please just get rid of that?" Em asks.
"We can't toss this." I say holding up the necklace. "This is evidence."
"I'll put it in my locker until we figure out what to do." Spencer says.
"Like your locker is safe from 'A'?" Hanna asks.
We all start fighting over the necklace before we drop it into the toilet.
"I will get it." Spencer says.
"No, wait!" Aria says. "You can't just dive in there these things have sensors."
"Excuse me?" Spencer asks.
"You just have to be really careful." Aria says.
"Well, if you would like to?" Spencer suggests.
"No." Aria says.
Spencer goes to grab the necklace but the bell goes causing her to jump. The sensor goes of and the necklace is flushed. We all look at eachother and I shake my head before leaving to go get my bag from science.

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