51- Birds of a feather

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==========51- Birds of a featherBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars"You're not only my best friend Leah

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51- Birds of a feather
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"You're not only my best friend Leah. You're my sister."- Alison DiLaurentis

Leah's P.O.V
I was with the girls at a resturant and we were talking about Jenna.
"Do we really believe that Jenna was off on a joyride that night?" Aria asks.
"Or was it her plan to take Emily to Ali's grave all along?" Spencer asks.
"Seemed to me like she was scared someone." Emily says.
"And it seemed to me like she was blind for five months when she wasn't." I add.
"Wow never thought I would see Leah Hart get snarky." Hanna says causing me to give her a look which causes her to sit back in her seat with her hands in the air. "Anyway, for purposes of my head not exploding can we just say she is telling the truth?"
"Well, that would mean we cross her off the new 'A' list." Spence says.
"Then who's still on it?" Aria asks.
"Lucas." Em suggests.
"No way. He might be a little unhinged lately, but he's not capable of digging up a grave." Hann says.
"You sure its only a little unhinged." I say with a laugh causing Hanna to give me a annoyed look.
"Guys, all roads lead back to the black swan." Spence says. "We know that she was working with Mona, the sketches were in her lair."
"Spencer, mom wants to know if you want anything else." Melissa calls over from where her and Mrs Hastings were standing.
"Uh, no. Thank you mom." Spence says.
"Melissa looks great." Em says.
"Yeah, shes back too beinge too skinny." Hann says. "Black swan skinny? Think about it. We know that she lied about when she lost her baby."
"Whoa back up." Spence says.
"You think she was pretending to be pregnant for that long?" Aria asks. "Thats like months."
"There's no way." Spencer says. "She wouldn't do that to my parents."
"Who else could it be?" Em asks.
"Mona started talking again, so maybe she can give me some answers." Hanna says.
"Yeah, Hann. Go ask your bestie, who nearly killed me by running over me with a car, who she is working with." I say sarcastically.
"Leah what has gotten into you?" Aria asks.
"I don't like this side of you." Em says.
"I don't think we should be trusting anyone but ourselves or eachother." I say. "We never know who could be working with 'A',"
"That doesn't mean you should completely change your personality." Spence says.
"Well, maybe I have had enough of people pushing me around." I reply. That wasn't te full truth however. Every since Ali's grave was dug up, all thiese memories have been coming back to me. Memories from before and during Ali's disappearances.
I get cut out of my thoughts when the bell goes off.
"Did you really think you could avoid me forever?" Jason asks as I turn to see him and watch him walk over to Veronica and Melissa. "How could you defend Garrett?"
"Let's not have this conversation here." Veronica tells him.
"Oh, it doesn't bother you that he murdered my sister?" Jason asks.
"Look, I understad that you are upset, but this isn't the place." Veronica responds.
"Just tell me why you're doing it." Jason says.
"Everyone deserves a competent legal defence." Mrs Hasting explains to him.
"You're sure that's the only reason?" Jason asks her.
"Let the process play out. Jason." She says to him "Focus on taking care of your family and yourself."
"Don't worry, I am." Jason says before walking out the resturant.
I look at the girls and stand up.
"Leah, where are you going?" Hanna asks me as I grab my bag before walking out without replying.
"Leah!" Aria calls after me.

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