40- Kisses and Lies

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==========40- Kisses and LiesBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "Hanna you never were"- Leah Hart==========

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40- Kisses and Lies
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"Hanna you never were"- Leah Hart

Leah's P.O.V
"Turn the volume up." I tell Caleb as we watch the video again.
"Can you make the view full screen?" Em asks.
"Maybe make it lighter. The picture seems a bit dark." Aria says.
"All right, that's it. I've offically stopped taking requests. " Caleb says before we all lean closer to the screen. "Can you guys, like, back up a little bit?"
"We're not even standing that close to you." Spencer tells him.
"Really?" He asks looking at her. "Then how do I know you had a cheeseburger for lunch?"
"um, haven't we already seen this before?" Aria asks after we had all backed up a little.
"Eh, yeah. But look here." Caleb says as the camera falls to the floor and we see under Ali's bed.
"It's the box Jason gave me of Ali's." I tell him.
"I still can't see what's inside of it though." Spence says.
"Just give me a second." Caleb says before Em's phone goes off.
"It's Hanna." Em says before cancelling the call.
"Um, we may be abe to clear shot if I..." Caleb starts but gets cut off my Aria's phone ringing.
"It's Hanna." Aria says.
"If Iplay it out frame by frame." Caleb says before his phone goes off and it's Hanna again. He cancels the call before continuing to talk. "Uh, I can maybe blow up the image, but then..."
This time Spencer's phone goes off and she cancels it as well.
"Guess we know who's low man on the totem pole." Spencer says.
As Spencer finishes saying that my phone goes off.
"Yeah, I can take this anymore." I tell them when I see it's Hanna as I walk away to answer it. "Hey, Hanna."
"Hey, leah. What are you up to?" Hanna asks.
"Not much." I reply.
"Oh, well, great. I know your parents just got back but I was wondering if you wantd to come watch a movie with me?" Hanna says.
"Uh..." I hesitate.
"Oh come on, I'll even watch one of those action films that you like where one of the main characters always die." Hann says.
"I'm sorry, Hann, I really can't right now. I'm just with my parents and..." I start before I get cut off by a glass smashing.
"Emily!" Aria says.
"You guys, shut up!" I tell them covering the speaker while the phone was away from my ear before I put it back to my ear to speak to Hanna. "Sorry, Hanna, I really have to go."
"Uh, yeah, yeah, sure, I get it." Hanna says before going sarcastic. "Say hi to your family for me."
"You kidding me?" I ask walking back over to the group.
"I'm sorry, she was..." Aria starts.
"Hey! Ladies." Caleb says cutting her off before typing on the computer again.
"Is that a drivers license?" Spencer asks pointing somewhere on the screen.
"Yeah." Caleb says zooming in on it and we see the photo is of someone with brown hair.
"Is that Melissa?" Em asks.
"I don't know. It could be Jenna. But it's hard to tell." Aria says.
"Hold on." Caleb says before making the photo clearer.
"It's Ali." Spence says.
"But Ali already had a fake ID and it definitly wasn't this one." I say.
"Why would she need a ID that didn't even look like her?" Spencer asks.

"God it's so weird seeing Ali with dark hair." Spener says looking at the photo on her phone after Caleb had left as she comes to sit next to me while Aria was on the other side. "I can't even look at that anymore."
"Sorry guys I got to go. I'm meeting Maya. I'll see you guys tomorrow." Em says.
"Bye Em." I say as she leaves.
Me and Aria both then get up.
"Wait do you guys have to go to. I was hoping we could all have a sleepover. I think we could all use the company." Spence says.
"I'll stay for a bit but I do have to get home before 10." I tell her sitting back dwon.
"I would love to but I've already got plans with Holden." Aria tells us.
"I thought you were only hanging out with him so you could see Ezra." I say.
"Yeah me too." Spence says.
"Oh I was but we've actually became friends." Aria replies.
"Have you heard from Ezra?" Spence asks.
"No I haven't." Aria replies.
"I just can't believe he never showed up or called you." I say.
"Yeah." She says before looking at Spencer. "How about you have you heard from Toby?"
"No." She replies.
"I didn't see his truck outside." I tell her.
"Yeah, I drove it back of to his parent's house." She explains. "I sat in it for a while, and I um... I listened to the radio."
Spencer starts crying causing me and Aria to hug her.
"I'm so sorry." Me and Aria say at the same time. 
"I don't know how your holding it together." Spencer says to Aria.
"Trust me, I'm not as put together as I seem." Aria says.
"You guys have to tell me the truth." Spencer tells us aftr we had pulled away. "I feel like I'm the reason we are lying to Hanna. Did I push us into doing this?"
"No, of course not." I tell her.
"There's just certain situations, where you have to lie to you friends. Even if you hate doing it." Aria adds.
Aria then leaves and me and Spencer decide to watch a film before I leave to.

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