80- The guilty girl's handbook

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==========80- The guilty girl's handbookBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars "I don't know if I can forgive you

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80- The guilty girl's handbook
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"I don't know if I can forgive you."- Leah Hart

Leah's P.O.V
Me, Hanna and Aria were at Spencer's house while the four of us waited for a update from Emily. 'A' had driven a car into her living room. The last we heard was that they were trying to get a motel room.
We had benn waiting for a little while until Hann get's a message.
"How are they?" Aria asks.
"She said they're fine." Hann answers.
"'A' really likes throwing cars at people." Spence says.
"You're telling me. 'A' has hit me with a car once. Nearly hit me, Aria and Mona and now this." I reply.
"Is there any chance this really was an accident?" Aria asks causing me and Spencer to give her a 'come on' look. "That's what I thought."
"No, ok. 'A' did this but why?" Hann asks.
"To keep us off balance." Spence says.
"And to keep us from finding red coat, or Cece, or anyone we are dealing with." I add.
"Well, I think it ws really Cece, and I hope Toby and Caleb find her." Aria says.
"Are we really trusting Toby again after he toke the RV?" I ask before looking at Spence who liiked a bit hurt. "I'm sorry Spence, but it's true. I don't think I can trust him at the moment."
"God Spence. What is taking your mom so long?" Hanna asks.
"Courts run on judge time, not lawer time." Spence tells her.
"Well its an arraignment. All they have to do is set bail and she can go." Hann responds.
"Hey, she said she would call you the minute your mom was released." Aria ressures her. "Just take a breath, alright?"
"Mom." Spence says as the door opens and Mrs Hastings walks in.
"Hi. Have you girls had breakfast?" Mrs Hastings asks.
"Mrs Hastings, where's my mom?" Hann asks.
"Spencer, why don't you take Aria and Leah upstairs for a minute." Mrs Hasting's suggests.
"No." Hann says grabbing mine and Aria's hands "No, I want them here."
"Hanna, we entered a plea of not guilty, but the judge refused to grant bail." Mrs Hastings informs.
"No." Hann says.
"Why?" I ask.
"First degree murder of a police officer, a district attorney who doesn't want to make anymore mistakes... but we're definitely going to appeal."
"Ok, and how long is that going to take?" Hann asks.
"The papers will be on the judges desk this afternoon. But some things have been put in motion." Mrs Hastings tells us.
"What sort of things?" Aria asks.
"Hanna, your mother is going to be transferred to another location." Mrs Hastings tells her.
"What location?" Spence asks.
"She's being remanded to the state prison in Muncy until the trial." Mrs Hasting explains as both my and Aria put a hand on her shoulder. "They'll move her tomorrow."
"God, you promised." Hann says.
"Honey, I'm sorry." Mrs Hastings says.
Hanna runs upstairs causing me, Aria and Spencer to follow her.

We were sat in Spencer's room. Me and Aria sat on the red chair by the window, Spencer sat on her bed and Hanna sat in the desk chair.
"I should be the one in jail. Not my mom." Hann says.
"Hanna, you didn't do anything wrong." Aria tells her.
"Somebody killed Wilden and 'A''s taking advantage of that." Spence says coming over and sitting on the arm of the chair me and Aria were sat on.
"It's not your fault." I add.
"My mom went out there to protect me, how is this not my fault?" Hann asks before her phone goes off. "It's Caleb. I can't talk to him right now."
"Hanna, my mom is a really great lawer." Spence ressures her.
"Then why isn't my mom out?" Hann asks.
"It's just one hearing. She'll win the case. She always does." Spence responds.
"Always?" Hann asks.
"Ok. SO do you wnat to go to school. Or not go?" Aria asks.
"No you guys go. I'll be ok." Hann tells us.
"Are you sure?" I ask.
"I'm going to have to see me dad. If my mom doesn't come back, then I am going to have to move in with him and the gruesome twosome." Hann explains. "You guys go. I'll be fine."
"Ok." Aria says before we grab our bags.
"Spence, tell your mom I'm sorry for yelling at her." Hann tells her.
"She's an attorney, ok? She's used to it." Spence ressures.
"A really good one." Hann says.
"Call us if you need anything, ok?" I tell her as the three of us stand up.
"Yeah, I'll be good." Hann says.
I give her a hug before the three of us leave.

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