102- The search

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==========102- The searchBest Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars"Hey! We'll find her, ok?"- Toby Cavanaugh ==========

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102- The search
Best Friends Brother- Pretty Little Liars
"Hey! We'll find her, ok?"- Toby Cavanaugh

Aria's P.O.V
"Can you get hold of Alison and find out where Leah is?" Mike asks me.
"What do you mean? I would I have to get hold of Ali to find out where Leah is?" I ask.
"Because I know that Leah and Alison were hanging out but Leah was meant to meet me an hour ago and she never turned up." He explains.
"I'll try calling Ali. Have you tried calling Leah?" I ask.
"What do you think?" He asks sarcastically. "Of course I did!"
"Ok. Calm down. I am sure she's fine. She probably just got carried away with Ali. You know what those two are like." I try to reassure him as I dial Ali's number.

"Hey Ali. Is Leah still with you?"
"No. She left about an hour and a half ago."
"Oh. Did she tell you where she was going?"
"No. She didn't. Why is everything, ok?"
"She was meant to meet Mike an hour ago. He just came into my room freaking out."
"Oh my god."
"I'm sure she is fine. But we just need to find out where she went instead of meeting Mike."
"I'll call Emily and Hanna. You call Spencer and Ezra. We'll meet at Spencer's."

"Come on." I say to my brother getting up and grabbing my bag.
"What? Where are we going?" Mike asks.
"We're going over to Spencer's." I tell him.
"Why? Is Leah over there? Is she ok?" He questions.
"She's not over there, but we are all going over there to try and find out where she could be." I explain as the two of us walk out her room.
"We shouldn't be going to Spencer's house and talking we should be out there looking for her." He says. What if 'A' got her? What if..."
"'A''s gone Mike." I tell him.
"What if the person who kidnapped Ali has her?" He asks.
"Mike, calm down she's fine. She has to be." I tell him as we leave the house.
Me and Mike get to the car and as I start driving I call Spencer and let her know what's going on before calling Ezra.

Unknown Location...

Leah's P.O.V
"Please. Let me go. What do you want from me?" I ask 'A' who was stood by the door while I was still tied to a chair. "Why are you only after me?"
'A' just shurgs before walking out and slamming the door behind them.
What the hell is going on? Why am I here? Where am I? Why is 'A' only after me all of a sudden? I really hope someone finds me soon. I was meant to meet Mike an hour ago. I hope they realise that somethings happened.

At the Hasting's house...

Mike's P.O.V
"Where could Leah possibly have gone to?" Spencer asks as me, her, Aria, Emily, Hanna, Alison, Ezra and Toby were all sat in the Hastings living room.
"If we knew that we would be looking right now instead of sat here on our arses!" Ezra snaps.
"Ezra calm down." My sister says with a sigh.
"Maybe we should call the police." Toby says.
"Why?" Emily asks. "She's probably just gone off somewhere in town or on the outskirts of town. She'll be back in a few hours."
"What if the person who kidnapped Alison has kidnapped Leah?" Toby asks.
"Why would he want to kidnap Leah when he could have easily waited and kidnapped me again?" Alison questions.
"So you would go and rescue Leah then he can grab you there and then." Toby answers.
"Toby does make a good point." I say. "What if 'A' has her?"
"Mike, I already told you. 'A' is gone." Aria says.
"Well we can't call the police until it has been more then 24 hours. What we need to do is tell Leah's parents whats going on then go looking for her." Spence explains.
"Ok, let's go. We can't waste anymore time." Hann says before everyone besides me stands up due to the fact I was staring off into space.
"We'll meet you guys outside." Aria tells the others before they leave and she sits next to me. "You ok?"
"Why does it always have to be her?" I ask. "She's finally my girlfriend again and now she might have been kidnapped. Why can't it be someone else for a change. 'A' kidnapped and hurt her multiple times. And now she might be gone for good if we don't find her soon enough."
Aria sighs before hugging me tightly as I quietly cry into her shoulder.
"Mike, we will find her. I promise. We won't stop looking until we do. She'll be ok. She's a strong girl." Aria tells me causing me to onod into her shoulder before pulling away. "Now lets go talk to her mom then we will go looking for her."
"Ok." I say nodding before we head outside to meet the others.

Best friends brother- Pretty Little LiarsWhere stories live. Discover now