netflix & chill.(kuroko tetsuya)

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You were watching movies on Netflix while Kuroko prepared the popcorn in the kitchen.

At that moment you hear a deafening pop and all the lights and electricity suddenly go out, leaving you on the couch in complete darkness.

"Oh my god! Kuroko!" You shout in fear as you could see nothing but pitch black darkness.

You blink furiously trying to adjust your eyesight as you get up with your hands outstretched in case you were about to run into something and end up getting hurt.

"(Your Name)!? Are you okay?" You hear Kuroko from a short distance away. Judging by his voice, he seems worried about you.

"I-I'm fine. It's just really dark. What do we do?" You call out as your heart thumps faster and faster as your brain decides to think about things that lurked in the shadows.

"I think we can't risk moving around without getting hurt. We should just stay put until the power comes back." Kuroko advises.

"B-but how do we know how long this black out will last...I'm scared.."you murmur to yourself as you begin to shuffle around in search of a wall or something that could give you a mental clue of your surroundings.

At that moment you feel another human being's flesh and automatically scream.

"(Your Name). Calm down. It's just me. I thought I told you to stay put." Kuroko scolds you a little bit but intertwines his fingers tightly with yours all the same.

"Don't be scared (Your Name)...I'll be here to protect you. Just don't let go of my hand for now."

About half an hour later, the lights flicker back on and Kuroko looks at you with calm eyes.

"Was it really that scary?" Kuroko asks as he tilts his head.

"Y-yes..." You stutter as your bones still shake.

He suddenly wraps his arms around your body and hugs you tightly before letting you go.

"Everything's fine."

Kuroko no Basket Imagines {Continued}.Where stories live. Discover now