Cheesy.(Izuki Shun)

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-I'm going vegan and I still talk about pizza...I swear I'm not one of those aggressive vegans that preach as if I were part of a cult.-

  You crawl up in your couch with netflix blaring on your TV as you hug your bowl of ice cream which was already almost completely devoured. You were having a pretty rough and stressful day, so why not wind down with huge amounts of food and binging on shows and movies? You didn't have any make-up on and your hair was just thrown up in a messy up do, in which you couldn't care less about how it looked at that moment.

  The doorbell rings and you go to the door as you remember that you had ordered pizza a while ago, and you began to get excited until you realize that the pizza man was someone you knew from school. He wasn't just your classmate, but he was also your long-time crush.

"(Your Name)-chan? What a coincidence. Here." He hands you a warm box of pizza and you pull out your wallet and hand him a couple of bills to cover the food.

"I would make a joke about pizza, but that would be too cheesy." He grins as he mercilessly tortures you with his weird and unfunny puns.

You automatically roll your eyes and begin to laugh at how ridiculous that sounded. 

"That was the worst one yet Izuki." You guffaw as you hold on to your stomach that was aching from the laughter.

"I'm working on it." He laughs nonchalantly and smiles at you.

'Well, work harder." You tease.

"I will try! Well enjoy your pizza!" He winks and you cannot help but blush as you wave at him a little.

  After he leaves, you heave sigh and place the box on the table and open it to find something you hadn't expected inside at all. (A DILDO...JK)

There was a huge heart decorated in the middle of your pizza with pepperoni and you were left standing there with your hands over your face as steam came out of your ears in embaressment. You wondered how you were going to face him at school the next day, and it turns out that you didn't have to face him at all, because he brought it up himself.

"So..liked your pizza?" He smiles sheepishly as you take off your shoes to replace them with your indoor ones. You instantly feel you cheeks flush again and cover your face with the door as you try to calm your beating heart.

"Yeah..I guess." You stutter and you could hear him chuckle a little.

"Well..if you didn't figure it out yesterday (Your Name). I really like you, will you be the cheese to my pizza?" He puns unintentionally again and you cannot help but shake with silent laughter despite his confession.

"Are you laughing?" He asks; completely surprised.

"S-sorry..that pun." You choke and Izuki couldn't help but feel happy that someone other than Kotaro would laugh at his jokes.

"So is that a yes?" He scratches the back of his head nervously and you nod happily.

"Yeah. Truthfully, I liked you since a long time ago..and I'm glad you feel the same way."

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