Their Reaction To You Falling Asleep On Them.(GoM+Kiyoshi+Kagami+Hanamiya)

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Kuroko felt a soft pressure against his shoulder to find out you fell asleep on him. He would give off a small smile and go back to drinking his milkshake as he would allow you to use his shoulder until you woke up. He would occasionally caress your cheek softly, being extremely careful not to wake you as he took this advantage to express how much you meant to him.


Kise was talking about his day when suddenly he feels you lean forward and he quickly catches you by the shoulders before you could smash into the ground face first. When he notices your shallow breathing, he gently places your head on his shoulder and smiles to himself. Despite you falling asleep on him while having a conversation, he couldn't stay mad at your innocent sleeping face. He would stare at your every features until leaning in to give you a small soft kiss to symbolize his love.

Aomine was reading his usual magazines until he felt something soft lean up against his shoulder. He looked over to the side to see you had fallen fast asleep on him. He gave a little sigh as he stared at your sleeping face. This was probably the only time he would be able to stare at your beauty without having to cover it up with his teasing and perverted jokes. For once, he let go of hiding behind his mask and cupped your cheek in his hands as he stroked your cheek softly. He quickly withdraws it when you let out a small moan and he begins to feel sexually frustrated. He quickly tried to conceal his boner by crossing his legs and went back to reading the magazine that did not help with his erection at all.

Akashi would be playing the violin for you until he spots you slumped to the side in the armchair. He sets down his instruments delicately and softly as he approached your sleeping body. He let out a small chuckle as he ran his fingers through your soft hair. He then would lift you up, bridal style, and carry you to the bed where you could rest more comfortably and peacefully. Before he covers you with a soft blanket, he would drop his lips to your forehead and give you a soft lingering kiss.

Midorima was in the process of taping his fingers when he suddenly feels you lean into his shoulder. At first he jerks up in surprise and as he was about to yell at you, he noticed your deep breathing and closed eyes. His cheeks instantly flushed since this was the first time he had seen your sleeping face. He silently puts the tape down on to the table and runs his bandaged fingers along your bottom lip softly. He loved you, but when you were awake, he would never be able to show such affection due to his personality. Now that you were dreaming in another world, he convinced himself that it was okay to give you one little kiss.

Murasakibara was munching on a few sticks of Pocky when he feels something soft on his lower arm. Since he was built rather hugely, you never reached his shoulder. Murasakibara peers into your face closely, almost touching lips with you. He admired your cute face that you made when you were asleep and he reaches over with his hand and places his huge jacket over you like a blanket. As you snuggle closer into his huge arm, he returns to watching what was on the TV while chewing on the Pocky more softly, to avoid you from waking up.

You were eating breakfast beside Kiyoshi at his apartment when he notices your lack of movement. Usually you would be chowing down on the delicious breakfast he made for you, yet today you were oddly silent. As Kiyoshi opens his mouth to ask what was wrong, your head nods off and almost lands in the plate of eggs and bacon if it wasn't for Kiyoshi catching your shoulders quickly. He worries for a minute, thinking you had passed out or something until he hears your tiny cute snores as your head swivels to his shoulder. He smiles fondly at your messy hair and tired face and remembered that you stayed up all night studying. He quietly and casually took a sip out of his coffee, allowing you to use his shoulder as a pillow once again.

Kagami almost jumped straight out of his skin when your head drooped on to his shoulder. He turns his head to demand you to get off his shoulder, but is greeted by a much more surprising view of you sleeping soundly. Kagami's heart pounds super fast as he gulps nervously. He sits rigidly with his cheeks flushing red until you awake to find out that you had fallen asleep on him. He acts like nothing was wrong when you apologized, but you will never know how many buckets he had sweat out while you were making yourself comfortable on his shoulder.

Hanamiya instantly clicked his tongue in annoyance and automatically began to shrug his shoulder to get your head off. As that doesn't work, he pushes you off with his hands. You then slump forward, almost falling on the hard ground of it wasn't for his leg pushing you back up. He sighs in irritation as he has no choice but to let you sleep on his shoulder for a bit longer. He rests his head on your head as he thinks about multiple ways to punish you when you wake up.

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