All of You.(Kenichi Okamura x Chubby!Reader)

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-Thank you for requesting, I hope you enjoy! Also, thank you guys for 800K!-

(Your Name) has never really been the "skinny" girl in her life. She didn't really mind it throughout her childhood, even when people made fun of her for her weight. It wasn't until high school, where she started to get really insecure about herself. The bullying got too bad, and it was getting impossible to ignore. Even under the smothering weather, she'd wear long sleeves and pants to cover up her imperfections. She should have known that there would be severe consequences.

As the basketball team manager of Yosen, she spent most of her time outdoors. In the sweltering summer, they'd usually go to a summer camp to train for the upcoming inter-high preliminaries. She didn't really care for anybody on the team as much as you did with Kenichi. He was a brute-looking man, but was surprisingly sweet and tender in the inside. She fell in love with him gradually, as his personality outshone his looks. He didn't give a single hoot about how big or small her waist was, instead he complimented you on the little things that nobody else bothered to notice. She was very hesitant on asking him out herself, but she had nothing to fear as he accepted her gracefully.

She wipes away her sweat as she stare out into the court in a daze. The whole team is out on the court battling for the ball, where she is assigned the job of keeping score and keeping note of everybody's progress and fallbacks. The sun rays pierce through her clothing, making her feel extra heated. By the time the game is over, her whole body is drenched in sweat and she feels lightheaded and weak. She doesn't even notice her boyfriend approaching her until he ruffles her hair roughly. She looks up at him slowly and concern automatically floods his eyes.

"Woah (Your Name), why do you feel so hot?" he comments on your clammy complexion before placing his big hand on your cheek.

"I don't know, it's probably because of the weather." she brushes him off with a wave but he is pretty adamant that she isn't okay.

"You should really start wearing short sleeves. You'll get a heat stroke." he sighs softly before wiping at her sweat with the towel in his hands.

"I'll be okay, Kenichi." (Your Name) mumbles incoherently as she attempts to stand, but her whole body wobbles and she has to grip the table to steady herself.

  The loud clatter of the things on the desk falling from the unexpected force of her hands echoes around and everybody turns in concern. Even Murasakibara stops munching on his snacks to see what's going on. Okumura jumps to her aid and does not hesitate to lift her up into his arms with relative ease. He didn't have much trouble carrying anything in fact, as his muscles are insanely capable. (Your Name) doesn't even react as she's too weak to even comprehend what is going on. Kenichi checks on his girlfriend first before announcing that he'd take her to the infirmary.

  As it is around noon, the nurses must've gone out for their breaks, as the room is strangely quiet. He sets (Your Name) down on the bed before starting to unbutton her thick jacket. He didn't want to lay a hand on her without her approval, but this is an emergency and he decides that there is no choice. Okumura feels the heat radiate off of her slick skin, and he quickly strips her down into her inner layer of clothing before turning the air conditioner on. He sees nothing but (Your Name) at that moment, yet the thought of what her body looks like doesn't even cross his mind. All he wants is for her to wake up.

  Kenichi runs his tough hand along her hairline, brushing back the loose strands of damp hair as he peers into her small face. At the gesture, she finally stirs and her groggy eyes open to meet his. She instantly shoots out of the bed and looks down to see herself exposed in front of the most important person in her life. (Your Name) quickly pulls the sheets up to cover her thighs and stomach and averts her gaze in with shame. Okumura doesn't say a single thing, he just watches until it finally clicks in his brain.

She's covering up her skin because she feels insecure.

Why the hell did it take me so long to notice this?

  His face contorts in pain as he brings her body close to his to wrap his long arms around her. His hand strokes her head lovingly. He can't fathom the fact that she felt this way about herself, when to him she was the most beautiful person he'd ever met. Now that he thinks back at it, he's never told her she's beautiful. And with her self-esteem stooping so low, she must've felt trapped with a body she couldn't love. Kenichi feels her shoulders tremble as she hesitantly hugs him back. He pulls away slightly to cup her cheeks into his reliable hands. He forces her to look him in the eye even with helpless tears streaming down her face.

"Listen to me, (Your Name), and listen well." he whispers firmly. "You're beautiful."

"Kenichi..." she sobs as he flicks the tears away with his thumb.

"I love everything about you, and it hurts me that you don't see yourself the way I see you." he continues with determination before searching her eyes carefully.

"But-" she hiccups as she attempts to pull her face away, but his hands don't move and inch and he stops her words by crashing his lips down on to hers.

    Kenichi's usual gentlest dissipates as he displays a sense of urgency through his kisses. Through the heat of his kiss, you feel the frustration and desperation to make you understand. You stay stunned for a little while until your own lips response to his as they mold together. You scratch at his back lightly as the kiss heightens before taking a dramatic fall where you both pull apart to knock foreheads. He trails his hands along the back of your ears softly before pulling you in for another one of his smothering embraces.

"I don't want to hear it, (Your Name). I love you. All of you."


If you aren't 'chubby', just imagine that you are or switch out the word to 'skinny'. It's an oneshot, you can interpret it anyway you like :).


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