Silence.(Rinnosuke Mitobe)

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-Trivia: Did you know that one of Mitobe's brothers attends the same school as Midorima. Hue.-

Before the accident, you were popular. You don't feel like it's particularly because of your outer looks, but it was based more on how you had the ability to make people laugh and smile. You always had that positive vibe around you, which everyone happened to love about you. You had many friends, and your high school life couldn't have been any better.

However, after the traumatic car accident your family were in, something in your mind clicked, and you were suddenly mute. No-one else in the car made it out alive but you. Doctors have concluded that it was a miracle that you were alive. You wouldn't think that it was a miracle, more like a cruel curse. They also told your friends and relatives that came to visit you that your sudden unwillingness to talk was due to the trauma and shock that you were experiencing.

No matter what your friends and classmates tried, you wouldn't even open your mouth to say anything. Instead, you would just use your facial emotions to display what you were feeling. You would smile when they brought you gifts, but that smile always disappeared when they wondered why you wouldn't talk anymore. Even though many people came to see you, you somehow felt very lonely. No-one would understand how you really felt, or at least that was what you assumed.

There was a knock on the door one afternoon, and you turned your head to the person on the other side of the door. You recognized his face immediately, since he was also someone you knew from school. Rinnosuke Mitobe. He was one of the members of the Seirin basketball team. You've seen him play many times, since you were all about team spirit and support before the incident.

You were quite surprised by his sudden visit. You weren't even sure that he paid any attention to you at all. Since he was always so silent and quiet, you thought maybe that he wouldn't like you, since you were kind of the complete opposite. Now that you think about it, he had caught your eye way more than you realized. You gave him a soft smile as he placed a small wrapped present in your hands. By the way it felt, it was some kind of book-like object. He smiled back shyly, still not saying anything, and you didn't expect him to. You took a hold of his hand, he looked quite surprised at your gesture, but doesn't pull back. You write a few words on his hands, which made up a sentence.

Can I open it now?

Mitobe nods and he notices how your eyes sparkled in his presence. All his other teammates that were friends with you had said that your eyes were dull, and he couldn't help but feel a pang of relief that you were starting to feel better. He watches as you unwrap the gift with your nimble fingers.

It was indeed a small booklet. However, when you opened it, you knew that he had spent a lot of time on filling the pages. You knew that Mitobe was into photography, but you never knew that he was that good at taking shots. Each and every one was unique and beautiful, displaying different emotions and moods. On the last page however, were words that shook you to the core. Automatically, your eyes fill with tears as you let them drip down freely.

For some moments in life, there are no words.

He reaches out slowly and wipes away your tears with his thumb as he gives you a small smile. It was a smile that was telling you that everything was going to be okay. A smile that had thousands of unspoken words behind it. That's the moment when you realize that there was someone that could relate to you, and it was him. He didn't need to utter a single word for you to understand. You look him in his deep eyes as if you were in search of something. Something about his eyes was so enticing, and you couldn't help but draw closer to his face.

Mitobe gently cups your cheek as he leans in too. As soon as your lips meet, it was like magic. The way his lips sculpted perfectly around yours, it just felt right. Something inside you changed as his lips synced with every kiss, you knew that at that moment, that what you felt would never be undone or destroyed. It was that emotion that made your heart pound, leaving you speechless and at a loss for words. I believe it's something every living creature is allowed to experience: Love.

The best feelings are sometimes those that have no words to describe them.

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