They React To "Netflix & Chill". (GoM)

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-Hey guys, I'm sorry I haven't been updating for KnB much. I'm actually focusing on rewriting and editing my first KnB book. It's in a very miserable state with horrible oneshots, so I've been working hard to make them decent. I usually have to rewrite the whole chapter because it's just horrible. I rewrite around 7 chapters in one sitting everyday, so it's a bit of a stretch for me to be editing my more recent books. I hope you can understand! Anyway, enjoy!-

  You walk into the room where the Generation of Miracles reside in. They seem to be having a good time doing their own thing. Aomine's busy sticking his face into his typical magazines. You roll your eyes at him as he looks up to spot you. He automatically sticks out his tongue and you do the same back. Midorima doesn't even turn around to greet you, he's too busy polishing away at his new lucky item for the week. Apparently, it's an ultimately rare specimen and he's been obsessed with getting his hands on it. But it doesn't really bother you much, he's always been one to ignore you whenever he can. Your eyebrows knit up as you spot Kise on the couch with his smartphone in between his long fingers. They move at a crazy speed as he seems to be texting someone. The blonde man quickly notices you staring and he throws you a wink before opening his mouth to blare out some unnecessary cheerfulness.

"Hey (Your Name)-ichi! I was just replying back to all my fan messages for the day!" he chirps and now it's your turn to completely disregard him.

"See, even (Your Name) doesn't give a damn." Aomine snickers and braces himself as Kise throws a pillow at him roughly.

"Shut up, you two. You're disrupting the peace." A deeper voice commands menacingly and they are all quick to shut up.

"Hey Sei." you chuckle lightly before giving a small wave.

    Akashi's at the desk in front of a pile of books and a laptop. He has his reading glasses on, and his elegant hands type away efficiently at the keyboard. It seems like he's working on another one of his assignments today. Despite you all getting the same homework that's due in about 2 weeks, Akashi's already gotten a head start. He's really not one to procrastinate. You allow him to get back to immersing himself in his words and turn to the only one sprawled out on the carpet. His lilac hair is ruffled up messily and all up in his face. You can barely make out his sleeping face, but you can recognise Murasakibara anywhere and anytime. He's really hard to miss. As you crouch down to admire his cute and innocent-looking face, he opens one eye lazily and looks up at you. He doesn't really look like he wants to say something, but he reburies his head into his arms before whining loudly.

"(Your Name)-chin. I can see your undies." he mutters.

"Oh damn, now that is a sight I want to see." Aomine whoops and you throw him a glare, you would've beat him up with the lamp beside him, but you're distracted by the door opening.

"I'm sorry I'm late (Your Name)-chan. Here, I brought you a (Your Favourite Flavour) milkshake." Kuroko grins slightly and you accept his treat gratefully.

"Thanks, that's sweet of you." you take a sip and writhe from the deliciousness. "Mmm!"

"Heyyyy, where's mine?" Atsushi complains jealously.

"Sorry, I only got (Your Name) one." he shrugs tactlessly with no expression at all.


"Alright, alright. Settle down guys." (Your Name) calls out.

"So what are we going to be talking about today?" Akashi calls over from his desk.

"Hurry up, I want to get back to reading." Aomine groans.

"You can't even read, aho. Reading porn mags doesn't count as practicing literature." you sigh before pointing at the letter in her hands. "So Winnie wants us to discuss the term 'netflix and chill'. "

"What the hell is that?" Midorima demands, his attention finally caught.

"Oh silly, you're so innocent Midoricchi!" Kise giggles mischievously. "It's a slang phrase used as an invitation for y'know!"

"No, I don't." Midorima replies bluntly as he hitches his glasses up dumbly.

"Oh for fuck's sake. It's a booty call for sex. You cherry boy." Aomine drags out his words immaturely.

"Wha-!" Shintaro's cheeks start to redden and you cannot help but laugh at it.

"How distasteful." Seijuro comments out of the blue.

"Oh I actually thought it meant watching netflix and chilling. I was wrong." Kuroko frowns.

"You actually have a good point. I'd personally call it "Anime and Chill"." you grin foolishly.

"You fucking weeb." Aomine insults you teasingly.

"Do you want to go?!" you threaten and he waves you off. "Anyway, would you guys consider netflix and chilling?"

"No way, I can spend that time eating." Atsushi breathes before falling asleep again.

"HELL YEAH." Aomine pumps his fists.

"I would with you, (Your Name)-icchi." Kise winks before blowing you a kiss.

"I don't have any desire to do such thing. It's simply inelegant. Making love is an art." Akashi shakes his head disapprovingly.

"I would watch netflix and chill without all the sexual innuendos. I like watching movies." Kuroko nods.

"..." Midorima hitches his glasses up nervously.

"Why are you so silent, Shintaro?" you ask, surprised. "Does this actually mean you'd be willing to?"

"S-shut up! I n-never said that!"


Salute Cadets! *slams fist into heart a little too hard in attempt of doing the Recon Corps salute*

  This is slightly different from what I usually write. I was wondering if you like it or not! I would love to hear some feedback. Regardless, I hope you enjoyed! Have a great day or night wherever you guys are!



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