What Kind Of Enemy They Would Be. (GoM+Kagami)

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  Kuroko would be the type of enemy that would be very silent about it, as he hates violence.However, do not underestimate his hatred for you just because he does not verbalize it. Anytime he would make eye contact with you, he would just show what he felt with his glare and would look away; ignoring the shit out of you. He is the type to just completely shut his enemies out and avoid them as much as possible.


  Kise would be the frenemy. He would still be nice to you for the sake of his reputation, but whenever he got the chance, he would take it to bash you or make you feel really offended. However, you don't have anything to say because his insults and backlashes are disguised in his chirpy tone with somewhat of an innocent factor. You know that he is doing it intentionally, but he is the type to make you feel like shit while acting oblivious.


  Aomine would be the scary type where he would turn to passive aggressiveness to portray his hatred for you. Whenever you crossed paths, he would purposely bump into you with his shoulder or do something just to let you know that you weren't on good terms with each other. He's experienced, so he would know exactly which buttons to push to piss you off. He makes sure that he never initiates the fight, but is not afraid to resort to violence if provoked himself.


  Akashi is the kind of person you do NOT want as an enemy. As soon as you get on to his bad side, he could quite possibly make your life a living hell. You might even have to sleep with one eye open because he is not afraid to do the extremes which no-one would dare to execute. He can hate with passion, and if you do something to make him even more angry with you that he already was, he would be the one to silence you or shut you down.


  Midorima would be the kind to hold back his hatred, but makes sure that they know exactly what's up. He would click his tongue in annoyance a lot, and also hitch his glasses up while shooting daggers at you. You both would get into endless verbal arguments that would end with him completely shutting you down with his wit. However, when he is really angered, he could become a whole new person that you wouldn't want to be on the bad side of. 


  Atsushi is a pretty harmless and amiable guy, however, you really don't want to get on his bad side. Just like the way he transforms when he ties his hair, his whole demeanor can shift when you provoke him. With his large body frame, it would be like upsetting a huge bear, his eyes glowing with rage. However, if it's just a mild situation, he would insult you with the most common and childish words that seem more insulting when it comes out of his mouth. He commonly likes to say "shut up", "annoying",  and "stupid."


  Kagami would be very similar to Aomine, but less sly and more blunt. You probably don't want to mess with him because he isn't into passive aggressiveness, his method is pure aggressiveness which involved fists and blood. He has a very short temper, and is easy to get him to become hot-headed with the simplest insults. He despises anyone that belittles him, and will beat you into a pulp if he has to .

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