They React To You Being A Ghoul.(GoM)

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  You've been seeing Kuroko for a few months, and when you two finally got close enough to become intimate, you knew that you had to tell him something that no human wants to believe or hear from their loved one.

"Kuroko...I...I'm a ghoul." You confess as you hang your head; completely petrified about witnessing his reaction.

  The silence was overwhelmingly long, and the fact that you had confessed right before you two were about to make love, maybe it was a bad time to break the news. You hesitantly glance up to see Kuroko's lips tugged up into a small smile. He slowly reaches out and places a hand on your cheek, brushing away your tears.

"I'm okay with that (Your Name)..."


  You don't know how it came down to you finally breaking the news to your boyfriend. It was just a second ago when you two were having an argument about something. Things got so tense that you let your anger get the best of you. You had allowed your control to ebb away to reveal your bloodshot eyes. You had tried to cover them with your hands, but you knew that it was already too late.

"(Your Name)...are you..." He begins as he inches towards you with his hand outstretched.

"That's right Kise, I'm a monster." You whisper as you flinch away from his touch.

" you're not (Your Name)'re beautiful." he answers comfortingly as he brings you in for a soft hug.


"Aomine...I'm a ghoul." You confess to him while staring at him into his eyes as he turns to you with a smile.

"Stop messing around (Your Name) if-" His laughter fades as he realizes how serious you were. "Wait, you're being serious?"

"I-I understand if you want to have nothing to do with me...I know that I'm a monster...but I just thought you deserved to know." You say painfully as you wrap your arms around your body uncomfortably.

  Aomine walks over to you slowly and places his hand on the back of your neck before head butting you hard enough that you see stars.

"Don't ever say that hell I'm leaving you."


"Sei...I'm a..a ghoul." You whisper as you are prepared for the worst.

  The red-haired man turns around calm and composed as he continues to button his shirt closed. A part of you wants him to get mad and just leave you with your heart in pieces for his sake. He should have heard the news about how ghouls devoured humans, yet his eyes were so tranquil. Sometimes you wondered if you were the actual monster there.

"I know (Your Name). I've known since a very long time. I'm glad that you trusted me enough to tell me." He says softly as he trails his fingers along your lips.

"How did you..know?" You ask; completely surprised.

"I know everything (Your Name). It would be disgraceful if I didn't know everything about my only love."


"Shintaro..I'm a ghoul." 

  You sat across of him on the bed; topless. You knew that you couldn't get intimate until you told him the truth, and showed him a true part of you that you were obliged to hide from the rest of the world. You had stopped him in the middle of foreplay to confess to him, and you really felt like you couldn't face him. 

  Midorima's face was periodically shocked for a few minutes. He had not said a single word, which made those short minutes go by excruciatingly slowly. You watch silently as he takes a deep breath and clears his throat.

"I don't think that's a big problem (Your Name). I would still l-love you, even if you were a ghoul." He mumbles under his breath before bringing himself closer to your exposed body; his lips meeting yours once again.


"Atsushi...I'm a ghoul.." You confess as you wrap your arms around your shoulders as you hunch downwards; tears threatening to fall.

  Atsushi was below you on one knee, his hand on a case with a small ring on it. He had just proposed to you, but what he didn't know, was that you had hid something from him for all this time. You knew for sure that he would never be able to forgive you for lying to him. You expected him to leave you alone, just like everyone else in your life had when they found out your true identity.

  That's when you feel a pair of hands on your hair, ruffling it softly. You look up slowly to see him with a small smile on his lips.

"I don't really care about that (Your Name)-chin. I just want you to be with me for the rest of my life."



Dear Readers,

  My updating speed will decrease significantly after this week because school will start on September 1st for me. Knowing me, I have a lot of work and homework to complete most of the time, but I will try my best to still update daily, I would update at LEAST once a week at the busiest times, so I hope you can understand. This year is crucial for me because I will be taking my IGCSE exams by the end of it, so I need to get my head into the game and be a nerd C:. 

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed! 



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