they react to you coming home from a trip.

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Your luggage feels so much lighter as you approach the front door. It's been a couple months since you've been away on a business trip. Technically, you still have a couple weeks to go before Tetsu is supposed to be expecting you. However, you decide to arrive a little earlier to give him a rather pleasant surprise.

You ring the doorbell and hear Nigou pouncing over with his nails skidding against the wooden floor. His sniffling and barking drown out the sound of the door clicking open.

"Hi!" You grin happily and give him a small, cute wave.

Kuroko's face lights up immediately in both shock and happiness. He immediately closes in to give you a tight hug with his arms wrapped around your waist. He muffles something into your neck.

"I'm so happy to see you, (Your Name)."


Kagami taps his foot against the airport floor. He's been standing at the arrivals terminal for around thirty minutes. Due to turbulence after turbulence, your flight has been delayed a little. Kagami heaves an annoyed sigh and cracks his neck loudly. His arms are starting to cramp up from holding the bouquet up for so long.

All he wants to do is see your face and hold you in his arms. Yet the people walking out have no resemblance to your cute little face. His face flushes at the thought of seeing you after a couple months away from each other. Hopefully things will not be too awkward.

(Your Name) has been traveling on her own during this time. She wanted to find her peace of mind, and Taiga was more than supportive of her decision. That did not soften the blow of not having you around anymore though. Now that you are finally back, his heart flutters with a plethora of emotions.

Just as he is about to look away and find a seat to wait in, he spots a familiar bed of hair. He watches your face light up in recognition and starts to smile as you bound over like an excited puppy. As you pounce on him for a big hug, he embraces you tightly. He has totally forgotten about the flowers.

"Welcome home, (Your Name)."


Kise met you at a junction exclusively for models. You are an aspiring figure in the competitive industry, so naturally you would be present. You both have been dating for over a year, away from the public eye. However, Kise keeps finding himself away from you. You both travel a lot for work, which means spending time with each other becomes a rare occurance. Finally, you decide to fly in to California for a quick vacation with him before the tours begin.

After a long flight, you arrive at one of your homes in Calabasas. Your stomach is empty and all you really want to do is go to bed and deal with everything else tomorrow. However, as soon as you walk into the living room, you see Ryouta hovering over the kitchen stove. The fresh aroma of herbs and basil fill your nose as you draw closer.

Kise yelps as you unexpectedly wrap your arms around his solid back. He looks back in relief when he realizes that it's only just you. Kise nuzzles his forehead into yours before giving you a sweet kiss.

"We're finally together again, (Your Name)."


Murasakibara has missed you dearly. You've been gone for a whole year as you trained with some of the most renowned chefs around the globe. He knows exactly how the process goes. In fact, he had to do the exact same thing when he went off to patisserie training in Paris. Even so, a whole year apart from his lover has become rather troublesome. He's constantly sulking without your presence near him. Everyday seems much like a boring, mundane routine without ( Your Name) around.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2019 ⏰

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