Terror.(Aomine Daiki)

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-This has mentions of terrorism and violence so please read at your own risk if you don't like these topics.-

    It was a pretty normal day for you that day. You would never have expected something to go wrong because it has always been that way. You pedal faster as you realize that you might be late for classes. The streets weren't as busy because it was early in the morning. Just as you get off your bike to cross a zebra crossing, a hand ruffles your hair out of no where and you almost karate chop as you turn around, thinking it was some pervert harassing you.

  "Make sure to look both ways before you cross the street, I don't want to have to hear about you getting into another accident."  The blue-haired man warns you and you quickly slap his hand off of your head.

"Aomine! Shouldn't you be doing your job and not harassing teenage girls?" You joke as you run a hand through your hair; attempting to tame the mess Aomine had created of it. Before he could say or do anything, you quickly cross the street as the green sign begins to flash, so it would turn red before he could catch up to you. You quickly get back on your bike and wave at him while sticking out your tongue.

"Teme! You never listen to me! Be careful getting to school! Stay safe!" He yells over the traffic and you give him a thumbs up as you turn around.

  Aomine Daiki was a cop in your hometown. He used to be an upperclassman in high school, and now that you were attending your local university, he had already graduated and had started to work as a policeman. You both had been dating since you confessed to him in high school, but you rarely got to hang out with him like before due to his long work hours. Since this was a small neighborhood, you would run into each other every morning. He would be making his rounds in the area where you would have to bike by. Most of the time, he would just nag at you to be careful ever since you had gotten into a mild crash with a car multiple times.

  You make it to school just in time as the first bell chimes; signaling class. You quickly unload your backpack and begin to take notes as the your professor begins his lecture. Half-way through your class, the door suddenly bursts open and you all grow silent for a split second; wondering who would have the balls to disrupt class like that. Your brain hadn't even registered that information yet when you hear ear-splitting sounds of a machine gun going off. You instinctively duck to feel a bullet whizz past your face. Despite the sound of your heart pounding, you hear multiple bodies thud to the ground and turn your head to see one of your classmates face down on the ground. You begin to shake his shoulder until you see the blood pooling around his body. That's when you notice the bullet holes all over his back.

  Your breath catches in your throat as you cover your mouth with a hand to avoid screaming. The sound of heavy footsteps begin to get louder as they climb the stairs to each row. You knew that if you stayed where you were, you wouldn't be making it out alive. You had no choice but to push aside the body and smear yourself with someone else's blood. The strong scent of the vital fluid almost made you sick all over the soaked ground, but you force yourself to close your eyes and pray that they don't notice you. You internally scream as the footsteps vibrate next to you, but you force yourself to remain unmoving. The man nudges your foot cautiously and heads along his way. 

  When you were absolutely sure that he had left, you scramble to your knees and cautiously make your way out the emergency exit, your phone pressed tightly to your ear.

"Pick up!!" You grit your teeth in fear as you practically hurl yourself down the steps.

"Hello?" Aomine's voice echoes through the receiver and you had no idea how glad you were to hear his voice.

"Aomine...you need to listen to me right now. I don't have time to explain. There's been a shooting in our campus. A man...he has a gun..a machine gun. You need to get the police over here RIGHT NOW. Oh god.." You whimper into the phone; desperately trying to keep your composure.

"What?! Alright, the police will be there soon. Are you hurt?! You need to talk to me (Your Name).." He demands.

Just as you open your mouth to talk, you hear a loud gunshot and it takes you a moment to notice the red pooling around your feet. The phone in your hand clatters to the ground as your knees buckle, your consciousness dimming drastically before turning dark completely.


"(Your Name)?! (Your Name)!!" Aomine yells into his phone as he hears the sound of gunshot along with a loud bang. "FUCK!!!" He screams as he almost throws his phone across the wall.

  He shoves his gun into his holster and throws his door open before breaking into a run. All he could think about was you, and all he wanted was for you to be safe. 


  You come in and out of consciousness multiple times before failing to wake up fully. The first time was when you feel someone shaking your body violently. Everything was hazy, but you force your eyes open to see a blurry figure. Judging by the way your body felt besides numb, you were in somebody's arms. As you try to focus, you begin to make out the features that belonged to Aomine. 

"(Your Name)?! You need to stay with me right now okay? You're going to be okay..you're going to be..okay...do you hear me?" 

  That's when you feel the searing pain in your lower abdomen and gasp as your lungs burn for more air.  It was like the pain was rendering you into silence as you suffer quietly. At one point, the pain becomes too much that you pass out again.

  The next time you wake up, the first thing you see is a pearl white ceiling. The annoying alarm-like monotone makes you want to reach over and stop whatever the source of this stupid sound was. As you try to move your arms, you feel something tugging you back to see multiple IVs stuck into your hand. Your heart begins to pound as you try to remember what had happened.  You look around to catch sight of Aomine on the foot of your bed, he had his hand over yours and he didn't seem to notice you waking up. He must have exhausted to fall asleep, and you knew he was a heavy sleeper. 

  You try to sit up and instantly let a loud groan escape your mouth as pain shoots into your body. The sound must have startled Aomine as he begins to stir. You notice the bags under his eyes and come to a conclusion that you must have been out for quite a long time. When Aomine turns his head to look at you, you also notice the streak marks on his cheeks. His eyes widen to see you awake and he scrambles up without a word before wrapping his arms around your body tightly. You would have said something about the pain, but you just hug him back as you feel his back trembling.

"You fucking idiot..." He whispers as you hear the relief in his voice. "I thought I told you to stay out of trouble." His voice grows thicker as you feel warm tears on your neck.


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