Murasakibara Atsushi (The Christmas Dinner)

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   You glance out the frosty windows to see snow falling from the dark sky above. The delicate snow transformed the familiar green land into a covering that created the crisp beauty of winter itself. You let out a small yawn before rubbing at your eyes tiredly as your eyes never left the view outside. You must have fallen asleep in front of the warm and toasty fireplace yet again. This happened quite often during the winter season. 

  At that moment, you spot a small pristine snowflake that was pressed against the glass. You instinctively stretch out your hand and place it on the algid glass before pulling away quickly as if you were scalded by the cold. You feel somewhat relieved that you were contained in the warmth of your home where a mere wall acted as a barrier from the biting frost and frigidity. You probably would have  happily spent the whole day gawking out the window, but an alluring smell disturbs your peaceful mind.

  It was the nostalgic scent of something being cooked in the oven . You could almost taste the crunchy layer of turkey in your mouth. The insides of your mouth begins to salivate as you are automatically drawn towards the incense of Christmas dinner. You scamper downstairs quickly before the cold floor can lash out at your innocent toes. They were already cold enough, you didn't need them to get any icier. 

  You peek into the kitchen to see a large anatomy of your lover. A smile tugs at the corner of your lips and you cannot help but feel the butterflies in your stomach once again. He didn't notice you creeping up towards him until you decide to wrap your arms around his large waistline. You feel him flinch in surprise before twisting his body to give you a quick but sweet forehead kiss.

"Sorry, I promised to help you out with the cooking." you whisper apologetically before letting out another soft yawn.

"It's okay (Your Name)-chin. I'm almost done." he reassures you gently before returning his attention to the process of icing his cookies.

"You're really amazing with this kind of stuff." you chuckle before staring at the crispiest looking cookie wistfully.

  Before you even have the time to register what happened, you taste the warm and nutty flavour of chocolate. You chew appreciatively as the solid crumbles liquify in your mouth. Mursakibara runs his thumb around the corners of your lips to brush off the crumbs, but he ends up bringing his lips down to do a better job at it. Your heart flutters against your chest and you think back to your first kiss with him. Even after the countless number of occasions where your lips would seek each other's, each lip lock becomes more unique and treasurable. The taste of his lips along with the aftertaste of the nutty chocolate bring a sense of peace that you have never felt before. It's as if the winter inside your heart has finally been replaced by the never-ending warmth of Christmas.

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