When They Are Drunk.(GoM)

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  Like that one time he overheated in the hot springs, he would be the same when he had too much to drink. His cheeks would flush red and his eyelids would look droopy. He isn't the type to talk much when he was drunk. Instead, he just sways softly from side to side with his eyes closed. When he would eventually nod off, he would fall on to your shoulder lightly whilst letting out small kitten-like snores. 


  Kise would be the kind of drunk that will laugh and smile more than he used to when he was sober. His cheeks would flush a jolly pink as his actions became careless and sloppy. He would become extra clingy and refuse to let you go. When he finally falls asleep, his body would hit the couch and his blonde hair would be messily thrown all over his face. Even with his handsome face, when he was sleeping, he looked more angelic that ever.


  Aomine would be the drunkard where he would swear profusely and just insult everybody that was in his way. He usually has a high alcohol tolerance, but he's human and everyone has a limit.  Even when drunk, he enjoys teasing the fuck out of you, and even going beyond mean. Sometimes, you wonder if he takes it as an opportunity to insult you as much as possible throughout the night. However, when he finally falls asleep, he wouldn't look that sexy because he'd be drooling with his mouth wide open. You would usually take this chance to draw dicks on his face with a sharpie to get revenge for all the smite he had babbled about your boobs.


  Akashi would usually get drunk only around the people he trusts. During parties and business dinners, he would drink moderately to avoid getting drunk. His alcohol tolerance would probably be the strongest. When he's drunk, he's oddly silent most of the time. He wouldn't stumble or stagger, but he would like to blank out, or seem to be deep in thought. Even before nodding off, he would make sure to give you a good night kiss before falling asleep. 


  Midorima would be the kind of person to be completely different when drunk. His usual tsundere personality would melt away to reveal a embarrassingly sweet guy underneath. He would spew things that he would never even think about saying when sober, which usually consisted of soppy love confessions. His face would get bright red and sometimes you would forget that the drunk man in front of you is actually the guy that always has a scowl. When he finally falls asleep, he would usually just collapse at his limit, and you would be the one having to help take his glasses off and such. When he awakes, he would demand that what you had witnessed was just your imagination.


  Atsushi would be the most adorable one when drunk. He would talk about random things that don't even make any sense. For example, he would ask why Pocky was so delicious, or how expensive it was to buy snacks. Sometimes, he would latch on to you and refuse to let go for hours until he finally dozes off in defeat. He would be like a small child, but we all know that he isn't exactly small at all. You would have to sleep with him practically smothering you in a cuddle with the thoughts that he would be back to normal in the morning.


Dear Readers,

I wrote a Attack on Titan live action movie review on my "Winnie's Updates" book if you want to see if it's worth watching. However there are spoilers, even after trying my best to avoid them, which was inevitable. However, if you don't mind, go ahead! 

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