Hunger.(Murasakibara Atsushi LEMON)

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  You must have fallen asleep while waiting for your husband to come home because when you open them again, you see Murasakibara looking down at you with the usual tender face. He had his head propped up with his hand and elbow and you automatically lean in and sniff his scent appreciatively. He smelt like freshly baked goods, and you seriously couldn't get enough of it.

"Sorry I'm late (Your Name)-chin, I had to stay an extra shift at the bakery." He whispers apologetically.

"'s okay. You must be tired. I'll go get some dinner ready." You murmur as you begin to lift your body up from the warm and soft bed.

At that moment, you feel his arms grab you back into the bed. You cannot help but squeal as he runs his fingers along your weak spots. After a few attempts to get out of the tangled embrace, you give up and so does he. His violet eyes bore into your own pair and you run your fingers through his baby soft hair as you lean in to kiss him. You've both been so busy that you didn't get enough time with him throughout the week. That might have been the reason you craved him so much.

Your lips search eagerly for his and he leans over you as his tongue playfully grazes your bottom lip for permission. You let out a soft moan as his large hands take on the job of peeling the layers of clothes off of you. You feel your shirt flutter to the ground and hear the familiar unclipping of your bra. You are pushed into the bed roughly and your senses detect the bridge of his nose trailing down to your most sensitive area.

"Ah!!" You cry out as he hooks your sodden underwear between his teeth before peeling it off with ease.

You didn't even have time to say anything before he begins to attack you with his tongue. A wave of pleasure travels through your body; causing you to arch your back. Your hips tilt upwards automatically as he pulls you closer towards his mouth. He begins to playfully gnaw on the lips of your sex. Your hips respond by thrusting forward; falling into the trap of his tongue.

Your eyes flutter shut and your mouth opens slightly as his tongue's continuous penetrations cause you to slowly lose to your senses. You bite your lip as the whimpering begins. You could hardly recognize your voice now. Your womb tightens as his mouth grows impatient and messy. He slowly separates his lips from your cunt just as you were about to open the doors to ecstasy.

"A-Atsushi!" You cry out his name as a complaint.

He lifts you up and gropes your rear as he lowers you on to his large and pulsating member. He begins to thrust into you at high speed. He knew you were already about to come, but then again, so was he. The skin to skin contact grows louder and almost embarrassing. You feel drops of his sweat dripping on to your chest.

"(Your Name)-" he gasps as his grip on your body tightens as he thrusts into you at a monstrous rate.

He senses your trembling and finally allows you to come crashing down as he releases his hot seed. Your body trembles and shakes as your own orgasm hits you like a truck. It lasts for several minutes, and you feel his member twitch inside of you as he wasn't done with his release either. Your pants grow into soft inhales and you rest your hand on his heaving chest. He pulls out slowly, and you feel your churned juices splatter onto your thighs.

Atsushi wraps his arms around you and you both grow tired and sleepy in each other's entangled limbs. Just before you go under, you hear him whisper something that would have made you blush if you weren't dangling off the cliff of deep sleep.

"I'm not hungry anymore...(Your Name)-chin."

Dear Readers,
I'm sorry if this isn't as great. There might be some typos since I typed this on my phone, so please disregard them or let me know so I can fix it.


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