What If They Proposed To You. (GoM)

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-I decided to do this request because it seemed fun to make..Enjoy! Sorry for the lateness...-


Kuroko knew very well that you disliked big and cliche proposals. However, there was rarely anything that wasn't cliche anymore, so he had to go for the most quiet and sweet way possible. He had treated you to ice cream after work one day and you had gratefully accepted because WHO says no to ice cream?! It turns out that he had already pre-ordered a large ice cream sundae for the two of you to share. It looked so good, that your mouth automatically waters as you realize that he had gotten all your favorite flavors. Kuroko smiles to himself as your eyes practically shine like two bright stars.

"What's this?" You wonder out loud as you pull out something metallic from your mouth. Judging by the shape and texture of it on your tongue, it felt like a small circle of some sort. Just as you look down at your fingers to see what it was, you realize that it was a ring and you cover your mouth in total shock.

You look up at Kuroko to see him scratching the back of his neck nervously as he takes your hand in his before turning his averted gaze back to your eyes. His cheeks flush pink as he gives you a little shy smile before saying something that almost melted your heart. (PUN EY)

"(Your Full Name). Will you marry me?"

(Don't you guis DARE comment about accidentally choking or swallowing the ring, I can hear y'all thinking that from across the world LOL.)


Since Kise was one of the youngest and most famous models in Japan, he knew how much you struggled with the rumors and tabloids throwing shade in your direction. However, he loved the fact that you supported him, and never tied him down to any sort of limitation. He also respected you for ignoring the hate you received everyday, and looking on the bright side to things. You both had been dating since high school, and he strongly felt like he could spend the rest of his life with you and you only.

It was a big struggle to think of something that was no too cheesy, and not to public. He knew that this would get out into the media by the next day, and if that were to happen, he wanted the proposal to be something meaningful and beautiful for your sake. At last, he was able to think of something. by coincidence, he had a premiere for his new debut for the famous european magazine of Vogue. He had invited you as his +1 and you had gratefully accepted. Since he had a speech organized, he had decided to announce his feelings in front of the world.

Of course, you were totally unaware of what was going on, and as he rose from his seat next to you to make his way to the stage, you cannot help but feel pride and joy for your love. He looks down and bends down swiftly to give you a small peck before taking long strides towards the center; the spotlight trailing on him the whole time. He takes a deep breath before adjusting his collar as he clears his throat.

"I would like to thank you all for making all of my dreams possible to reach. However, there is one person in particular that I want to bring up on stage. She was the love of my life for more than 10 years. She motivates me every day to get up and do my best with everything I do. My girlfriend, (Your Name), everybody." He motions for you and you quickly try to wave off your flaming cheeks as you make your way up to the stage.

You take his extended hand as he pulls you closer to him before wrapping his arm around your waist.

"There's one more thing that I would like to ask of you (Your Name). Will you be by my side forever and marry me?"


You never would have imagined Aomine being the type of guy to want to commit to something like a marriage. It wasn't that he didn't love you, you knew how much he was faithful to you. However, there are just some types of people who don't want to get married. You respected everything about your boyfriend, and never asked or thought about the idea of getting married.

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