Bachelor I: Kuroko Tetsuya

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-It's been so long since I updated. I am so sorry for the lack of updates, but I've been busy with school and basketball. Anyway, enjoy!-

    You feel the coolness of your air-conditioned room as you carefully step out of your bathroom. Your wet hair drips down on your bare shoulders, and you cannot help but shiver in nervousness. You don't even bother wiping down your damp hair. You are too busy staring into your poster-ridden walls with overwhelming thoughts whirling in your mind. Would he like you? What if this date doesn't do smoothly? You don't know how to feel about being set up on a blind dating program by your own parents. You've always been introverted, and even throughout high school you never really brought home a guy. Your parents have always been concerned, but they've never acted on anything until now. Being in your 20s and having nobody to share your abundance of love with is apparently a bigger disgrace than many. You sigh as you get dressed relatively quickly, still not bothered to dry your hair properly as you get down to greet the man.

   The outside breeze will warm yet pleasant as it reminds you of another summer day. The crickets chirp encouragingly, and you step out to see him sitting against the steps of your porch. His back is turned to you, so he doesn't notice you yet. You take this opportunity to examine him thoroughly. What surprises you the most is his hair. It's a very light pastel shade of the sky, and you end up being captivated by it for quite a few seconds. Then you move along to his slightly broad shoulders. He's not heavily build and sturdy, but he definitely has the figure many envy in modern society. He seems to be staring up into the stars as he waits for you, and you feel a little bad for making him wait until you finished getting ready. 

"Hey there." You manage to croak out. "I'm so sorry for the wait."

  The man's head swivels around and you almost let out a small gasp. His eyes were deep and blue, and they hold on to your gaze for longer than usual. You instantly feel a blush creeping towards the highest peek of your cheekbones and cover it up by pretending to wipe your face. His thin lips part to reveal a reassuring smile as he says something about not having to worry about it. You're so in awe by his subtle beauty, that you don't hear a word he says. However, he does extend his hand out for you to shake, before his lips part to reveal his identity. 

"My name's Kuroko Tetsuya, I don't mind if you call me Tetsu." His name rings clearly in your ears and you know instantly that it will be a hard one to forget. "It's nice to finally able to meet you, (Your Name)."

"Likewise." you breathe out as you both start to walk towards the blaring centre of the city where music and loud lights illuminated the night.

    The annual festival was held every single year, and you both were fortunate enough to be able to witness it happening. The festival is always a place for eternal joy. The costumes lit up the dark surroundings and the music filled the air. There is not a single moment of silence when it comes to the excited chattering of men and women alike. Soon you find the tension in your body sap out, and start to fully enjoy the lively atmosphere around you. However, that's when you realise that Kuroko is not beside you anymore. A pang of anxiety hits you as you think about the possibilities as to where he'd have disappeared to. You try to shake off the feeling that he maybe could've ditched you, that has happened quite a few times on your previous dates after all. You look down at your (Your Favourite Color) yukata dejectedly, completely frozen in space until someone taps you on your shoulder for your attention.

"Sorry, I went to grab us something to drink." he hums pleasantly before placing a milkshake in your hands. 

"A-ah, thank you." you stutter noticeably as you are still shaken up from his disappearance. 

  Tetsuya takes your reaction into consideration as he thinks a little deeply into it. He had watched you from afar when you seemed to be looking very troubled without him there. It was a little strange, but he also felt a sense of relief that your expression could change so rapidly like that. Somehow, he isn't able to soak in the pleasantries of the night. Instead, his rampant and devoted attention is focused on you, and you only.

"Why don't we take a walk?" he grins slightly before taking your hand unexpectedly. "The fireworks will probably be starting soon."

    Along the unusually pretty lane next to the river bank, you both start to walk again. Many couples and families are doing the same thing as you both are, and you cannot help but smile as you watch young couples bickering over a single ball of takoyaki. You've never had any experiences like that, but you do feel a sense of envy and longing whenever you come across any high school lovers. It's like you've missed out on a big chunk of your life, and you condemn nobody but yourself for it. The lamps glow warmly overhead, and you turn slightly to see Kuroko admiring them too. He's such a beautiful creature, you can't believe he has even taken the slightest interest in you. Compared to him, you are bland and tasteless.

    At that very moment, a small toddler comes bounding over to you, completely unsteady on his chubby legs. Despite that, he runs surprisingly fast on his newly developed pair of feet and his eyes glimmer with such innocence and light that you end up giggling. However, it doesn't really last that long as you see him trip over his sandals and fall straight into the cobblestoned pavement beneath him. You automatically reach out to help him up, but Kuroko gets there first as he lifts the wailing child up into his arms. He instantly stops the child from crying anymore before setting him down and crouching in front of him.

"Are you hurt?"  he tilts his head to the side, causing his hair to flow with the movement.

  You just watch from a distance as your heart flutters against your chest. His small hand drops down to ruffle the boy's hair, and he jogs back over to your side. He quickly takes your hand in his again before urging your frozen legs to move with his long strides. His face is lit up by the warmth of the city, and you can feel his care and love from a mile away. For the first time in your life, you've been moved. Kuroko looks back slightly with an imploring glimmer twinkling at the depths of his irises.

"Shall we go, (Your Name)?"

Kuroko no Basket Imagines {Continued}.Where stories live. Discover now