Negotiation. (Akashi Seijuro)

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You quickly slip on your gleaming heels before darting out of your house and into the already open door of your car. The musty scent of the new leather causes you to look up at the driver whilst drinking your nose in distaste.

"Kotaro, let's go. And if you don't mind, please step on it. I'm quite late." You sigh before returning your attention back to the busy schedule marked on your phone.

"Sorry Miss."

"Nah, it's okay." You brush it off before checking yourself out in the reflection of the tinted windows.

Kotaro almost rolls his eyes at the usual routine, but he suppresses this urge by forcing himself to focus on the road. As much as he finds your cocky and elevated demeanor annoying, he couldn't deny the fact that your insane sense of success made up for it. You are now the first woman to uphold 24 businesses singlehandedly, and for that, he had mad respect for you.

"We're here, Miss. I'll make sure the car is fresh and ready for you by the time you are done with this meeting."

"Good to hear that. Here," You slip a thick wad of 100 bill notes into his suit pocket before tapping it gently with a knowing smile. "Buy yourself something nice while you're at it, yeah?"

The halls of the hotel are extravagant. Chandeliers dangled from every ceiling, and the floors were all polished miraculously without a single speck of dirt present. Even a pampered businesswoman like you can be taken aback by such immaculate precision. There must've been a previous meeting beforehand, as a crowd of well-dressed men and women emerge from the room you were supposed to be entering at any moment.

"I cannot believe that he turned down our deal, who does he think he is?!"

"I heard that he rejects basically everybody that wants to meet with him for business."

"Whatever, we don't need him anyway."

Your ears perk up at the unusual conversation as you sashay past them towards the door. Each click of your heels grew more melodious and rhythmic, and the man on the other side of the door picked up on it getting louder and louder. The crimson-haired man moistens his lips in anticipation and amusement, as he waits for another pretentious team to swoop in with false motives and bad taste. He is already in quite a sour mood from having to argue back and forth with multiple companies. They all know that once he says 'no', it's a set decision already. Yet humans just had to be built to be as stubborn as the stain that he had on his best shirt last month. That damn shirt still had a twinge of color, and he's had it washed by the finest Launderette in town. Akashi quickly catches himself comparing people to stains and notices his extreme exhaustion.

"Another coffee, please." He breaths as he digs his fingers into the crook of his nose.

"But sir, you've had 5-" the server quickly shuts up as his guest gives him a demonic glare. "Right away."

  The footsteps falter right behind the door, and small yet polite knocks resonate in the room. The butlers hustle over to greet his new guest, but they freeze as their master lifts a single finger in the air calmly. He rises without hesitation and approaches the door before sliding it open with a swift pull. Some would speculate that he outshines even the butlers, when it comes to elegance.

"Ah, (Your Name). I've been expecting you." He smiles pleasantly before extending a hand as you enter.

"I apologize for my tardiness. Things have been quite...hectic." You sigh before nodding slightly as you both sit across from each other.

"I couldn't agree more about my own day."

A cup of (Tea/Coffee) is placed in front of you by clean gloved hands. It's so quiet, that even the small clink of glass as it makes contact with the marble table resonates in the vast room. You swallow the lump in your throat as you feel strangely intimidated. You realize that if you looked up at him, you would catch him staring at you, which isn't necessarily a good sign. You can almost feel his penetrating gaze burning holes through your fragile skin.

"So, I've heard that your company wishes to establish a partnership." He starts off and you shift your weight awkwardly as you cross your legs neatly.

You couldn't sworn that his eyes wavered down to your thighs, but you decide to shake off the nagging conscience and focus on getting the deal.

"That's right. We work with various companies to manufacture good quality Shogi boards."

  Akashi's eyes light up with interest as his favorite hobby slips through your lips. He leans forward, finally interested in what you had to offer.

"Interesting. Have you brought one of your recent prototypes?" He asks expectantly and you nod nervously.

  Your hands begin to tremble as you reach over to grab the heavy briefcase, but it's a little more heavier than you anticipated and your hands end up fumbling over each other. You both stoop down automatically to grab the falling item, and end up knocking into each other's foreheads. A blush creeps up to your cheeks as you both are so close that you feel his breath on you. You quickly pull back and now deeply, the tears of embarrassment lingers at the edge of your eyes and you look away completely. A small melodious tune of laughter erupts from the man in front of you, and you are beyond startled. Even the butlers and staff seemed to be completely astounded by hearing their master laugh for the first time.

"It's quite alright, you can relax. I won't hurt you," he grins slightly before motioning at the folded wooden board in his hand. "Would you like to play a game?"

Without the nerve to turn down his offer, you accept without any hesitation, and soon you both were completely immersed in the game. It was an understatement to say that he is good at the game. In fact, he is perfect. Whenever you have the chance to find an opening, he counteracts your judgment twice as cleverly. Even so, time ticked by quickly and before you know it, your phone blares in your pocket and you hastily take it out and bring it to your ear.

"Right, I'll be right out." You blurt out before standing abruptly.

"It seems like you have an awfully busy schedule," he whispers lowly. "I'm sorry for taking up so much of your time."

  You bow deeply and apologetically once again and offer him your business card with your credentials and phone number.

"I apologize for having to cut this meeting short, but if you ever need to contact me, please feel free to do so." You smile politely, but a little more genuinely.

  As he takes your card, he wraps your hand in his before bringing the back of your hand to his lips. You shiver and blush as the sensation of the soft kiss obliterates everything else on your mind.

"Until we meet again then."

  He watched you leave with and a small smile tugs at his lips as he recalls your flustered expression. He turns back to the board and slaps his king piece to one of your pawn pieces, conquering it without mercy. With that gesture, he resolves to capture your heart the next time he encountered you again. Ironically, it was you who captured his heart, and he was going to steal yours in return.

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