They React To You Wearing A Onesie.(GoM+Kagami+Hanamiya)

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-It's been a while since I wrote one of these! Thank you for requesting! Enjoy!-

Kuroko rings the doorbell to your door as he had come to visit you after classes. You had been down with the flu for a couple of days, and he felt like it was appropriate to visit his girlfriend in hopes of making you feel a little better.

"(Enter Your Sneeze Here)!" You sneeze multiple times in a row as you open the door.

Kuroko sees your (Your Hair Color) messy head poke out and his heart instantly skips a beat as he notices the light blue onesie you had on. He turns his head to the side as his cheeks flush bright red at your cuteness. He had no idea why he felt so embarrassed, but he had no choice but to do so to control his urge to kiss you right there and then.

"Kuroko?(Enter Your Sneeze Here)! Wh-what are you doing here?" Even your stuffy voice sounded super attractive to the blue-haired boy.

"Just making sure you're okay. You look cute (Your Name)."

"WAHHHH!!" Kise suddenly exclaims as he sees you in a cute yellow chick onesie.

"Wh-what?" You ask as you pull a confused face.

"You look SO ADORABLE (Your Name)-icccchiiiiiiiiiiii!!!" He squeals like a schoolgirl as he attacks you with a smothering hug.

"K-Kise...c-can't breathe."

"(Your Name)! Dinner's ready!" Aomine's calls from the kitchen wake you up from your nap and you head downstairs in your onesie.

"What's for dinner?" You ask as you walk up to him over the stove. He had his back turned to you.

"I cooked your favorite-" He turns around and instantly drops the spatula he was holding as his cheeks suddenly go red.

"What's wrong!?" You demand worriedly.


  You prance around in your room in a red onesie to your music. You felt really happy and hyper at that moment, because Akashi had offered to go on a date with you. Since he had such a busy schedule, it was hard for you two to plan around it to spend some time together.

  That's when you notice someone at your bedroom door and you turn to see Akashi himself; leaning against the door casually. His face lit up with an amuse smile as he meets your gaze calmly. When you flush deep red and plop down on your bed, he lets out an amazing laugh before walking forward to give you a peck.

"You're as red as that onesie (Your Name)."

"Midorima! You staying over for dinn-"

"WHAT ARE YOU WEARING!?! (WHATERRRDOSSSSS)" His roar almost makes you jump straight out of your skin.

"It's a frog onesie. You idiot! You scared the shit out of me." You huff as you motion at your outfit.

"You look stupid." He mumbles as he hitches his glasses up, but his cheeks said otherwise.

  Your titan boyfriend had come over with a bagful of food as you both planned to watch movies at home today. He notices your purple dinosaur onesie and his childish eyes instantly light up like stars.

"(Your Name)-chin. You look super adorable." Your large boyfriend mumbles happily as he ruffles your hair fondly.

"You're so sweet Atsushi." You laugh as you give him the biggest hug you could give him.

"Can I wear my onesie too?" He asks into your hair as his loose arms wrap around your waist.

"Wh-wha...why...the...huh...gah..." Kagami stands in front of you; stuttering for the last ten minutes as he motions at your attire.

"What? Do I look that bad?" You look down dejectedly as you fiddle with the tiger tail that was attached to the onesie.

"N-no. That's not it," He answers with an exasperated tone as he grabs on to your shoulders. "You just look too adorable."

"Yo bitch-chan!! Where you at!?" You hear Hanamiya downstairs and skip down in your devil onesie.

"Rawr!!" You attempt to scare him, but you end up looking ridiculously adorable with your hands positioned cutely beside your face.

  Makoto tried so hard to make himself seem unamused, but he could already feel himself getting turned on. He lifts you up over his shoulder as he climbs the stairs to the bedroom.

"Wha-!" You exclaim in surprise.

"It's your fault that I'm turned on. So you should pay the price for it. I'm going to peel that onesie off of your body with my teeth." He purrs before laughing evilly.

Kuroko no Basket Imagines {Continued}.Where stories live. Discover now