Abuse.(Nash Gold)

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-Thank you for requesting. This was requested to be a HEAVY angst, so I'll try my best! Enjoy!-


  You ran your hand along your forearms and winced as the blotches of purple and blue throb painfully. You were sitting on the couch with your legs crossed over each other as you stared into the wall quietly. You knew that if you made another sound, there would be another argument. The blonde man emerged from the living room and shot you a quick glare before reaching over into the fridge to grab a can of beer. You licked the corner of your cut lip as you examined his back carefully. 

Why do I still love this man?

This thought echoed in your mind over and over again, but it always came back to the justification that it was tough love. Nash was the most violent person you've ever met, but he was also the most loving. He took you in when everybody turned you away, and he provided you a place to come to when things got dangerous at home. Your father was a drunkard, and every single evening, he would come home as a threat. The social workers did nothing about it, even turning a blind eye to your pleas for action, but Nash was sick of seeing you in such a state everyday.

"I swear to fucking god, (Your Name). If you come over one more time, I'll physically drag myself over there and kill him myself." he hissed menacingly and your head snaps back to face him immediately.

"No, then you'll be a murderer." you whispered.

"Do I look like I give a damn about that?! Look at you, you can't just sit there and take all the shit from him. He'll fucking kill you one way or another, get that into your thick skull."

  You pulled your heavy body up and grabbed the duffel bag you had prepared beforehand. All the stuff you brought over was in it, and you definitely made up your mind about leaving for good. You just couldn't burden him with your issues, he had enough of his own anyway. You suppressed a groan as your muscles screamed in pain from the movement, and headed towards the door. 

  Just as you reach over to grab the door handle, you feel his grip on your wrist and turn around to see him looming over you. His face was hard as steel, and his expression was even more belligerent.

"If you're going to leave again, don't ever come back. Do you hear me?" Just a few words, but they brought tears to your eyes as you turned away from him with shoulders trembling.

"Yeah, I hear you."


The whole conversation with Nash plays over in your mind as chaos ensued around you. You lay on the bed with blood seeping out of the deep cut across your fractured ribs. There would be no-one to save you, and you can feel your life draining out slowly. You've gotten better at hiding away in your room, but in the end, he always found a way to get to you, whether it be mentally or physically. The light pierces your eyes as the sound of the door ripping off it's hinges rings in your ears. You remain absolutely still as the man reeking of alcohol climbed over your already broken body to do more damage. You don't have the strength to fight back, and you feel the final blow to your cheek before you finally submit to the darkness that threatened to engulf you all this time.

"(Your Name)!! H-hey!!!" A familiar voice calls out frantically, and you struggle to open your eyes.

But you still manage to do so, and you feel and see locks of blonde hair above you to realise that you were in Nash's arms. He pulls you closer to him and you watch as he runs his hand along your body to witness the damage done to your body. His face scrunches up and his eyes searched yours frantically. You know that there is nothing he could do, and by the time real help arrived, it would be too late. You take in a few laboured breaths before reaching up to touch his warm cheek with a bloodied hand. He envelopes yours with his as he listens to the painful wheezing of your lungs. 

"Stay with me, baby. I know you can." He whispers thickly and you feel his hot tears sliding your cheek.

"Nash...I..I really love you, you know?" you wheeze as your hand slides back down to your side.

The blonde man clenched down on his teeth as he watches your eyes grow heavier and heavier until your lids slide shut completely. You take in one more weak breath, and never exhale again. He brings your body in as he wraps his arms around your shoulders. His sobs echo through the empty house as he hears the sirens in the distance.

"Yeah...I hear you." 

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