Secrets.(Midorima Shintaro)

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-Inspired by a scene in Grey's Anatomy C:-

  You slam your locker shut as you change into your blue scrubs. You quickly shove on your white coat as you walk out of the changing rooms and into the hospital halls. You had been an intern at Shutoku Hospital for almost a year now, and you had met Midorima on your very first day. Midorima was your chief resident of the hospital, and he was a whole ladder of ranks above you. You started developing feelings for him, despite him acting cold from time to time, you realized that he was actually a very caring person, as well as a very well-known surgeon.

  You both had gotten closer and closer, until finally he decides to straight up kiss you in one of those janitor closest hidden away on the empty floor of the hospital. You were taken aback of course, he wasn't someone who would be doing such things, but you loved him and appreciated the fact that he had made the move first. It must have been his pride as a man. Since he was the chief resident and you were just an intern at the bottom of the food chain, there was no way that the relationship could go public. Rumors would fly about you getting handed favors, and you both would risk losing your jobs. The relationship was being carried out in total secrecy.

  Just when you thought you could figure this out. You had started feeling sick one day and something compelled you to take a pregnancy test. All the tests you took came out positive. It's been around a month since then, and you knew you had only a limited amount of time before it started showing. You hadn't even told Shintaro yet. You knew he wasn't going to be happy with the news, and you were still deciding if abortion was the best choice or not.

"(Your Name). Page me if something goes wrong." Your resident nods and you respond quickly.

"(Your Name). You'll be assisting me in a surgery for gastric bypass, come on, let's go." Midorima and his surgeons move like a smooth current and you were obligated to follow.

  About an hour into the surgery, your vision begins to blur and the lights seemed too bright. You tried to focus as your head kept swimming. Your hands loosen up accidentally and the tool you were holding clatters to the ground.

"What's wrong with you? Is my surgery boring you?" Midorima calls out as he never once lets his eyes wander off the patient's body.

"N-no sir.." You reply weakly as you furiously blink; trying to get rid of the nauseating feeling.

  Your hand slips again, and this time you lose your grip on the artery that he was supposed to sew together. You could feel the tension in the room as they witness your continuous fuck ups.

"That's it, (Other Intern's Name) take over." The other residents make a call as they realize that you might create complications.

  As they shove you out of the way in the crowded room, your knees suddenly shake and you collapse right there and then. Midorima's eyes widen as the commotion arises and finally looks up to see you sprawled on the floor. His heart immediately leaps to his throat, but he refrains from crying out as he has no choice but to pursue the surgery. Through the corner of his eye, he sees a few doctors carry her out and his heart is still beating with worry.

  When you come around again, your whole body aches and your stomach felt like it was on fire. You look around you to see your resident with her arms crossed in front of her.

"You were pregnant and you said nothing about it?" She demands and you sigh as you look away.

"The baby?" You croak.

"You were bleeding too much, you had an ectopic pregnancy, we couldn't save the baby." she replies lowly and you take a deep breath as you compose your emotional turmoil. You nod shakily and close your eyes, hoping the tears wouldn't show.

"Who's the fa-" She begins to ask when the door flies open and a panicked Midorima emerges from the agape door.

He stands at the foot of your bed and examines you with his eyes. He has nothing to say, because he was in the presence of another resident that could find out about their relationship.

"What's wrong with her?" Midorima asks casually enough as he busies himself with your chart.

"She had tubal pregnancy, and we had to remove the tube and the baby as well to save her." the resident answers and suddenly her beeper goes off and she excuses herself.

There was silence in the room as you finally open your eyes to meet his green ones. His expression was hard to read. It was calm, yet there was something in his eyes. Guilt? Disappointment? Sadness?

"Why didn't-why didn't you tell me?" He asks softly and you hang your head.

"I couldn't." You simply say.

"I deserved to know." He answers back.

"Well it's over now. I can't go back into the past and change just drop it." You gulp as you try your best to stop yourself from bursting into tears.

  He walks over to your side and drops a soft kiss to your forehead before turning his back to leave. You knew that he wanted to stay longer, but that would arouse suspicion. It was his way of saying that he loved you. You watch his back and as he opens the door, he gives you one last glance before closing the door behind him. He must be pretty upset about it too.

  You knew things weren't going to get easier, but you also know that he would never stop loving you.  

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