Akashi Seijuro (The Christmas Tree)

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"Christmas is coming!" you chirp happily as you skip towards the waiting limo.

"Indeed it is," your husband smiles down affectionately before intertwining his fingers with you. "Do you have any plans for this year?"

"No Seijuro. Do you?" you retort back cheekily as you realize what he was playing at.

"Then (Your Full Name), will you allow me to take you out on a Christmas dinner?" he says, extending his hand towards you to aid you into the car like the proper gentleman he was.

"Akashi. We're married." you laugh and Akashi's eyes twinkle with mischief meets yours.

"I can still take you out on dates." he shrugs nonchalantly.

  Throughout this whole conversation, his hand never once left the comfort of your own. As the talking dies down after the revving of the engine, you squeeze his hand softly with the love you couldn't convey through words. He  squeezes back tenderly before bringing his lips to your forehead.

"I also have an early Christmas surprise for you." he whispers quietly.

  You turn towards his chauffeur and he gives you a knowing grin before mouthing a few terms.

You'll like it a lot.

"Oh my god. You didn't." you gasp as you stand before the massive surprise in front of you.

"Do you like it?" he questions before wraps his arms around your waist from behind you.

  You start looking up at a beautiful Christmas tree that almost reached the chandeliers of the mansion's roof. It is beautifully decorated by rich and vibrant colours that reflected off some of the warm lights that illuminated the entire room. The air is warm and toasty due to the fireplace blazing away. The orange flames looked as if they were at war with the cold fingers of winter, twisting and spitting violently. You turn around as the sweet smell of pine breathes through the house.

"Oh Sei...it's amazing. You prepared all this for me?" you gasp in disbelief.

"Of course," he answers roundly. "Do you see those presents underneath the tree? I believe a majority of it will belong to you by morning."

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