The Unmovable Heart.(Kiyoshi Teppei)

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- I am legit drooling from this fanart.Is secretly happy that I get to write a chapter for bae. Also, I am basing this oneshot off the movie called Me Before You, as I was inspired from watching it at the cinema yesterday! It's quite angsty. Enjoy!-

  Kiyoshi Teppei is a marvelous man with such potential. He had a huge future ahead of him in terms of his career. He was an outstanding basketball player that made it into nationals at a very young age of 18. But that's when his previous knee injury took a turn for the worst, and he was in need of a surgery. You knew how risky it was, maybe after all these years, you blamed yourself for not stopping him. But it was either he recovered fully from it, or he stayed miserably limited with his talent for the rest of his life. Kiyoshi didn't want to be a hinderance to anyone, even himself. So he approved of the surgery and all should have went well, but it didn't.

"Hey, I brought you a blanket in case you got chilly." you call out softly and watch as your lover turns his whole wheelchair around just to look at you.

"Thank you, (Your Name)."

  His face lights up with such joy, but you can see through his facade. Ever since the surgery took a horrible turn, it took a toll on his spirit. Once it was unbreakable, like iron, and now it was beaten into a lumpy pile of self-hatred and destructive thoughts. As you fix the duvet on to his lap, you can't help but notice how skinny his legs have gotten. It's probably the muscle deprivation at it's peak, but losing  the ability to move both legs means that he has to work extra hard to keep blood pressures from skyrocketing or plummeting down.

 Kiyoshi watches you carefully before heaving a small sigh that ruffles your hair up in the process. You look up anxiously, and his eyes glitter with such sadness. You want to throw your arms around him and tell him that everything is going to be okay, but even you can't promise that. Instead you run thumb along his cheekbone and wrap your arms around him softly.  You feel his shoulders relax a little as he returns your embrace, and just having him there is comforting for you. You wouldn't be able to imagine life without him.

  You think he felt the same way about you, until you find the crinkled up letter in the mailbox from Switzerland. Your heart almost drops as you skim through the content to find that it's information regarding an assisted suicide. Globs of tears form at your tear ducts and you don't stop them from overflowing down on to your cheeks. Your emotions are in a wreck. You don't know how to feel about it. But most importantly, you feel betrayed and hurt that he would even consider leaving you behind. You attempt to keep quiet about it, but your legs move on their own accord, into his room where he lay.

"Why?! Why would you-!" you sob violently as you hold up the piece of paper weakly, and Kiyoshi is taken aback by how seriously panicked you are.

  He reaches his hand out towards you, he would've rushed towards you if he had his legs, but even that is impossible. Instead he begs with his arms for you to come closer, so he can explain everything. But your pride and your feelings refuse to get any closer to him. Your breathing is ragged, and you realise that you're hyperventilating.

"(Your Name)! Please! Listen to me!" he hisses urgently as he attempts to get closer to you by dragging himself over the bed with his arms.

  This takes a horrible route, and his whole body tilts before slamming into the floor below. Despite being in such a vulnerable state, you rush over to him to check if he's okay. He grunts as he lifts himself up to lean against the wall before just holding you close. He lets you cry to your heart's content, not caring the slightest about how your tears soak through his cardigan. His large hands stroke your (Your Hair Color) locks until you finally utter words between gasps for air.

"Please, please don't leave me." you whimper softly into his chest, and you feel his breath hitch in his throat. You know that he's trying his best not to cry either, but the efforts made are failing on him.

"(Your Name). You're the only thing that makes me want to get up in the morning," he murmurs against your hair as he rests his chin on your head. "But I can't live like this anymore, not like this."

"I can't let you go, Teppei. What will I do without you here with me?" you whisper thickly.

"You live, (Your Name). You only get one life, and it's your duty to live it as fully as possible." he says softly as he tilts your chin up gently. "Let me be selfish this once. All you have to do is let me go."

"I love the moon and back."

Dear (Your Name),

  By the time you read this, I'll already be gone. Come on now, don't make that face. You are the love of my life, (Your Name). From the very first day I met you to my last, I never stopped loving you, even for a second. I'll never forget the memories we made together, they'll rest with me forever. Even if you do forget me in the near future, don't worry. I'll hold on to our past, our present, and our future for the both of us. You have great potential, (Your Name). I want you to go out there and do things that you never thought you'd be doing. Chase those dreams you kept telling me about. Meet new people. Fall in love again.  Don't think of me too much. Just live. Live your life to the fullest, and I'll be with you on every step of the way. 

I love you.


Kiyoshi Teppei.

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