What If You Were A Himedere. (GoM)

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-Thank you for requesting! Again, I'm sorry if your idea of himedere is different from what I've written. I've tried my best lol. Enjoy!-


"Don't you have your eyes on Kuroko (Your Name)? Don't you want him to notice you?" (Your Friend's Name) teases annoyingly as you try to ignore her while eating your lunch.

"If HE wants me to notice him, he's going to have to kneel down and beg." You joke as you flip your flawless hair back before waving her away.

"Onegai..." You hear a familiar voice below you and open your eyes to almost choke on your rice.

  That's when you notice a light blue head below your eye level and almost jump out of your seat in fright. For once, you become speechless as you point your perfectly manicured finger at him accusingly.

"K-Kuroko! Why are you on your knees?! Are you some type of p-pervert?!" You exclaim and watch as he tilts his head to the side in confusion.

"Didn't you just say that I had to kneel and beg for you to notice me? I'm doing exactly that (Your Name)-chan."


"(Your Name)-icchi...notice me~~~" You jut an arm out to keep the blond man at bay as he tries to strangle you with his clingy hugs.

"Kise..can you just go away? You're so fucking annoying..." You sigh as you mentally face palm.

"Eh?!! Hidoiii! (Your Name)-icchi, what do I have to do to get you to notice me? I'll do anything." He pleads as he fake cries.

"You don't have to do anything because I already have everything. You don't deserve me..Kise." You tease and watch as his face falls again, you were finally thinking that he would give up and move along to another girl, like he always did. You secretly didn't want him to do that though, because you were slowly developing feelings for him. However, he lifts his fist up to his face in determination before pointing his slender finger at you with his eyes shining.

"You just wait (Your Name)-icchi! I'll break your 'himedere' personality and make you fall for me~!"


"Eyyy (Your Name)!" Aomine waves his hand at you before leaning against your desk casually.  You frown a little and pay him no heed as usual. You had known him since you were kids, so he was used to your royal personality.

"Who are you talking to?" You say indifferently.

"Come on (Your Name). You know I'm talking to the only one in the fucking room. You." He sighs and you want to slap him and kiss him at that moment.

"Just no." You close your eyes as you shove your gold-plated earphones into your ears before blasting it with (Your Favorite Music Type) songs.


"OI!!" Aomine bursts out suddenly before tugging your earbuds out, forcing you to listen. He looked painfully serious and hurt by your gesture this time, and usually he was never offended by anything you said. " I practically grew up with you. I know how difficult it must have been to live with parents that didn't even care about you. I know that is why you're acting like this but can you just drop that stupid facade for once and listen to me?!"

  Despite your heart beating painfully against your chest, you compose yourself and force yourself to look into his eyes calmly.

"I'm listening Daiki." You force the overwhelmed feeling deep down inside of you and force out a tone that gave out an impression of being unbreakable.

"I fucking like you okay?! Heck! I fucking love you!" He confesses and you bite the inside of your cheek so hard that you draw blood. You wanted to just let go of your facade and tell him your feelings too, but you force yourself to stand and grab snatch back the iPod he had confiscated from you.

"If you love me so fucking much, maybe you should try and become a man worthy of me."



  Akashi had drawn your attention to him ever since you first encountered him. The main reason was because you two had something in common, which was the impression that you gave everyone else. You both had wired your brains to make sure that no-one could break your mentality. You were on a totally different level from the rest of the world, and he was the only that would understand what if feels like to really be superior. He was the only one that knew that behind the mask you both hide behind, there is unimaginable pain. He was the only one where you could be yourself around.

"You don't have to hide your true self from me (Your Name). I can see right through that pathetic mask you wear." He drops his intimidating gaze upon you and you have to struggle not to cower away in fear as you remember that you were stronger than everyone; even him.

"You're pathetic yourself Akashi Seijuro." You scoff and watch as anger flashes in his eyes before returning to tranquility.

"Watch yourself (Your Name)." He murmurs with a pleasant smile before walking away from you.


  Midorima had his feelings set for you from the very beginning. There was just something about you that drew him in. It wasn't the fact that you had bandaged fingers too, it was just the way you went about with your life. Midorima may that have seemed like that kind of person to stalk, but he watched you a lot during class. There was something in your eyes that he couldn't really pin point. Of course, he was genuinely startled when he heard the harsh and arrogant words escape your mouth.  However, he had embraced your superior attitude and elevated personality, mainly because you both shared the incapability to express your true feelings.

"Midorima? Do you think I should change?" A sudden question arises as you watch him bring his spoonful of red bean pudding to his mouth.

  The spoon falters in midair as he hears the words escape your mouth. It wasn't like you to doubt yourself or even utter your true feelings to him. You had grown so close to him, that your disguise was slowly dissembling away. At first, those words worry him immensely. He was afraid of how it would change you as a person, but as he watches the pain in your face grow, he realizes that the girl he had fallen in love with would still be there. After all, he had fallen in love with the real you from the very beginning.

"I don't know (Your Name). If-if you think it'll make you truly happy. I'd say go for it. Who cares if the stars aren't aligned for change, they'll have to adjust accordingly to the path you choose..don't you agree?"

" Woah. Did I just witness you not being a tsundere? When did you become so wise? I feel like I've seen something I shouldn't have."



"(Your Name)-chin. Do you want a pocky stick?"

"I have (Your Favorite Chip Flavor) chips..do you want any?"

"Here's a lollipop (Your Name)-chin."



"Why are you offering me your food?! I'm not interested in eating your peasant food." You groan as you shove his offer away harshly. You realize that you fucked up when you look up to see a pout growing on his face. It was just so cute, that you had to force yourself not to rush and give him a hug, which would be totally out of your character.

"I just want (Your Name)-chin to notice me." He pouts as he begins to retract his rejected hand back.

You sigh and snatch the lollipop from his hands and shove it in your pocket quickly.

"I guess if it comes to a life and death matter, it'll come in handy. Now scram you big oaf."

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