Apologies.(Hyuuga Junpei)

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-Pre-writing this at like 5 in the morning. My dark circles are much attractive now LMAO. Anyway, enjoy! Thank you for 200K Reads!!-

   You had been going out with the Captain of Seirin for a year now. You both enjoyed the time you spend together. Ever since he had asked you to be his girlfriend out of the blue, you were almost inseperable, or so you thought. There was always one person he was more close to than you, and that was the Seirin basketball team's coach.

  You were sure that Riko was a very nice and interesting person, but you couldn't help but detest her a little. Maybe it was just jealousy, but you hated the way she was able to make Hyuuga laugh so easily. You had tried a numerous number of times to just try and let it go, but it always ended up making your heart feel like it was being ripped into tiny shreds. The fact that Junpei didn't realize anything was going wrong, was the one thing that made you feel like shit. Just like every human being in this world, you were almost at your breaking point.

"Hey (Your Name). I don't think I can make it on our date today. Riko just asked if I could-" Hyuuga explains as you two walk home together. "What's wrong?"

"N-nothing. Okay I get it." You murmur almost silently as your heart is shunned to the ground.

"You don't mind..do you?" He asks cautiously and you shake your head softly before plastering on a fake  smile so he would just drop the conversation.

"Not at all...Have fun yeah?" You force a chirp out of your mouth as you turn the corner to your house, almost dashing away hurriedly before even saying good-bye.


"Hey Junpei? Are you sure that this is okay with your girlfriend? I don't want her to get the wrong idea." Riko asks guiltily as she peers at Hyuuga from the mirror as he prepared her for the haircut.

"(Your Name) said that she didn't mind. I mean we can go on dates anytime right?" He says and almost jumps as Riko scrambles up from her seat.

"WHAT?! You said you'd help me cut my hair when you were FREE! You canceled a date with the one you love to give me a damn haircut? How stupid can you be Hyuuga!!" She yells as she begins to push him out of the room and towards the front door. "I'll go get my hair done at a salon, so GO AND HAVE THE FUCKING DATE THAT YOU RUINED FOR (YOUR NAME). She must be devastated!"

Hyuuga stands for minute; completely dumbfounded as the door is slammed in his face. That's when he finally realizes why you seemed so distance this entire time. You had been silently jealous of everything he had done with Riko, yet couldn't say anything because you didn't want to burden or trouble him. Hyuuga's heart clenches in worry and fright of losing you as he breaks into a run. He was heading in one direction and that direction only. His heart wasn't just beating fast because he was running, but it was beating hard because he had to fix the mistakes he had made by being ignorant.

  Your doorbell rings and you head out in confusion. You weren't really expecting somebody tonight in the first place. As you open the door, you see Hyuuga bend down with his hands on his knees as he tries to catch his breath.

"Hyuuga? What are you doing-" You begin in total awe until he gets up and wraps his arms around you tightly, his chest still heaving up and down heavily from the physical work out he had gotten.

"I'm really sorry for being so dense in the head. I didn't know how much I was hurting you. I love you more than anything, and I don't want to lose you to something so stupid on my behalf. I'm so sorry (Your Name)."

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