What Kind Of Big Brother They Would Be. (GoM+Kiyoshi+Hanamiya)

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  Kuroko would be the kind of brother who rarely speaks to their sibling, but he genuinely does care for them. Whenever their sibling is having trouble or needs help, he would always be there for them. He's like the silent guardian type of brother. He rarely forgets important dates and events and usually goes all out to make his little brother/sister smile. He is pretty protective when it comes to his little sister going out with boys, he would silently watch out for her and give her advice.


  Kise would be the kind of brother that is mostly categorized as annoying. He would nag constantly and sometimes even whine more than his siblings. He's pretty clingy and likes to cuddle and hug them to death. He's pretty cheerful and knows how to cheer his siblings up if they are having a bad day. However, if something serious was so occur, his attitude with change completely from a playful "doofus" kind of demeanor to a more serious and scary one. 


  Aomine would be the type of brother that appeared to care less about what his siblings were up to. He is a bad influence sometimes due to his obsession with inappropriate magazines laying around the house randomly. He also enjoys teasing and pranking his siblings, almost rendering them into tears at times. However, whenever his siblings would get into fights, he would be the first one to demand who it was, and go out searching for this culprit, ready to give them a piece of his mind. If he had a little sister, he would be really protective and even result in punching a guy that he thought was up to no good. Despite the way he acts, he really does care about them from the bottom of his heart.


  Akashi would the "perfect" brother that his siblings would constantly be compared to, resulting in a more heated and conflicted relationship due to the heavy competition. He would rarely talk to his siblings, mainly because he has so much things on his schedule to complete and acquire perfection on. However, his siblings would never know how much he loved them deep inside. If they were to get hurt or be messed with, he would be the beholder of justice and everyone knew that so they would generally stay away from Akashi's brothers and sisters.


  Midorima would be the brother that all other siblings enjoyed picking on for fun. His "tsundere" personality resulted in hilarious moments that brought the whole family together. Despite the "I-don't-care" attitude, he would care immensely about his siblings. He would secretly be helping them out, usually hiding his intentions behind his wall of hostility and coldness, even denying that he was doing it because he cared. When his sister would be going through boy trouble, he would hint at small pieces of advice, even when he has no experience himself.


  Atsushi would be the kind of brother where all siblings just simply got along with him well. He maintains a good relationship with everyone in his family, and they cannot help but adore his cute personality. He is usually emotionless and very "sleepy" most of the time. but if things were out of the ordinary, he would be the first one to bring back a smile on their faces. He cares a lot for his family and would be the one everyone goes to for a comfort hug.


  Kiyoshi would be the brother that is genuinely just nice and very uplifting. He would be the caring kind of brother that would do his best to cheer his siblings on. He can appear kind of silly and adorable at times, but despite that, he would be one of the most mature brothers out there. He enjoys ruffling their hair and just keeping them happy with his smile. Whenever he would find the need to correct their siblings attitude, his would change too, into a more serious one. However, he wouldn't hold a grumpy face for too long before smiling again. 


  Makoto would be the kind of the brother that is super horrible to his siblings, and just doesn't care about what kind of trouble they get into. He usually claims that it was none of his business and sometimes even acknowledge violence and harassment. However, he usually takes care of them and makes sure that they are well even though he claims that he hates every single one of them. He would be the kind that would never approve of weakness, and when one of them cries, he would be the first to scold them for being a wuss. Despite that, he would secretly look out for them because they were his flesh and blood after all.

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