Worry.(Aomine Daiki)

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Aomine Daiki was one of the most successful and hardworking investigators in Japan. He had cracked all of his assigned cases without failure, as well as handling street crimes with no problem at all. All the division's wanted him, but he denies any offers to move from his current division because he had something to hold on to there.

"Oh for god's sake! Hurry up!" Aomine groans as he leans on the door; tapping at it impatiently.

"Alright alright!" You sigh as you shove your gun into your holster before rushing out with him.

  You were just given your lunch break, and you two had decided to go out and grab a burger before you had to make the next rounds around the city. You were a special unit investigator too, but of course, not as well-known and experienced as Aomine Daiki himself. You two had been dating ever since you both hit it off after getting to know each other.

"You sure you're allowed to be going out like this? Hasn't there been rumors about criminals targeting you?" You ask worriedly as you clip on your seatbelt.

"Nah...I don't think that's anything serious." He shrugs with one hand on the steering wheel casually.

  It was almost ironic, but as you reach the next pedestrian crossing, you notice that Aomine was not slowing down.

"H-hey! Slow down! You'll kill somebody!" You raise your voice until you turn your head to see Aomine struggling with the brakes.

"It's not working...! Shit! Hold on!" He warns as he makes a harsh turn.

  You knew he had done the right thing by minimizing the effect of the innocent people getting hurt, but the inertia was just too great and the car overturns in a blink of an eye. You must have blacked out instantly upon impact, because all you remember was his voice calling your name.

"(Your Name)!! Hey!! (Your Name)!! Stay with me here!" Aomine yells your name as he wraps his arms around your limp body.

  He was badly injured himself, but he couldn't just pass out with his girlfriend on the verge of death. As the ambulances finally arrive, he hands you off to them and immediately collapses to his knees weakly as his injuries were getting the best of him. The other paramedics rush to his aid, but the only thing he was thinking about was your well being.

"Someone had been tampering with your car...Daiki. People are targeting you, and for your own safety, I won't be assigning you any major cases until the investigations are over. Same with (Your Name). You two are close, God knows that they'd do to her to get to you." The head Sheriff had dropped by the hospital to keep Aomine updated on the situation as he recuperated.

"I understand sir...and..how is she?" He asks cautiously and his heart sinks as the Sheriff shakes his head dejectedly.

"She's still unconscious. The doctors presume that her head trauma was too much for her to handle. I hope she comes around..even for your sake." Aomine feels his elderly hand pat him reassuringly before heading out of the room.

"Dammit." He curses under his breath as he clenches a fistful of the white sheets of his bed. He wanted to see you so badly, but you were prohibited to bed rest and minimal movement.

"Daiki!!! Are you okay!?!" You burst into his room with a bandaged head and almost scare the shit out of him.

"(Your Name)!?!?! You woke up!?" He demands as if he still couldn't believe it.

"Yeah. I woke up a few days ago. They just ran a few tests on me. Other than my head injury, I'm fine. Never mind me!! Are YOU okay!?!" You place your hands on his cheeks before turning his head side to side for examination until he wraps his long arms around your waist before pulling you in.

"Worry about yourself...you idiot."

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