What If They Cheated On You. (GoM)

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-I've had a very rough fucking day  and it's rare for me to feel so crappy on a Friday. I have tried my best for it not to affect my writing, but I apologize in advance if you spot something weird. Enjoy and thank you for requesting. Obviously this is a pretty upsetting one, so if you're going to make it a big deal, don't read it.-


  Since Kuroko is a man that stands by his morales. The fact that he did this to you would bother him more than it would have bothered you. He would never even dream about hiding this from you, because he knew that you deserved to know, even if it meant breaking your heart in the process.

"I'm sorry (Your Name)-chan. I've been unfaithful with this relationship. I think that you deserve much better than someone like me. I'm sorry for breaking your heart like this, but I have cheated on you."


  Since Kise had a lot of fan girls that loved him for his side job, you had expected something like this to happen, but at the same time, you hoped that he wouldn't dare break your heart. Kise had not been his usual self for the past couple of days, and when you finally corner him to ask him what was going on, he breaks the news.

"(Your Name)-icchi...I...I've been seeing another girl behind your back. I can't hide this from you anymore because I don't want to hurt you any further. I don't expect you to forgive me, but I just wanted to say that I am so sorry."


  Aomine had a thing for women. It wasn't just one woman that he would be satisifed with, it was just the whole gender in general. He would occasionally still be reading erotic magazines even when he was in a relationship with you, you wouldn't have thought it was anything other than a hobby. However, you couldn't have been more wrong when you come home early from work. You had caught him red-handed with another woman in bed. 

"S-shit...(Your Name)..let me explain!" He exclaims but you had slammed the door shut before walking out to your car just to get away from everything to do with him.

  You receive multiple phone calls, but don't answer any of them until you see a blinking voicemail on your screen. You hesitantly play it with tears streaming down your face.

"(Your Name). I'm sorry. I know you probably don't want to fucking hear from me right now, but I need you to hear me out. I want to apologize for hurting you like this, I just...I don't know what came over me. I understand that we're probably never going to be the same again, and I'm fucking sorry for that."


  Akashi would never be the kind of man to be wishy washy. When he had something to say that was on his mind, he wouldn't hesitate to say it. Even it meant crushing the person, he was never the kind to keep dirty secrets that deserved to be let out.

"(Your Name). I have been philandering with anther woman. I am deeply ashamed in myself, but I think it's best for us to break this off. I dislike hurting you and I don't think I can be faithful to you anymore."


  Midorima would act extremely annoyed with you for no reason at all. His own shame had brought him to be stingy to everyone around him. It was just his way of coping with his own problems. In this case, he had just gotten into an affair and was struggling to tell you the truth. When you confront him about it, you both end up getting into a heated argument until he blurts out something he had never meant to say.

"This is why I wasn't able to be faithful towards to until the end!" He would slash you with his words. 


  Murasakibara had asked you to stay behind in your classroom after classes because he had something to tell you. Maybe it was just intuition, but you had a pretty bad feeling about this. He had never been this serious before, and whenever he did get serious, it never was something positive. He arrives with a very troubled face as he stands in front of you before opening his mouth so speak.

"I haven't been totally honest with you (Your Name)-chin. The truth is...I cheated on you with another girl. I'm sorry...I really didn't know what I was doing. I hope you can forgive me eventually, but right now, I think we should have our space."

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