Aomine Daiki (The Christmas Tree)

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Aomine has been your perfect match since high school because you both had very similar personalities. The main thing that you both agreed to do this year was to make an effort to celebrate christmas. You see, the thing is, you were both just too lazy to bother with all the preparations. All these years you've been together, christmas was not something that special to you. However, that was all about to change as you are required to take on the challenge of a perfect christmas.

"Fucking are we supposed set up this shit?" Aomine groans as he lifts up the heavy tree before placing it in a designated area.

"Here is the manual." you answer unsurely before scrunching up your eyebrows in confusion.

Aomine snatches it roughly before glimpsing through it briefly. Before you can even protest or snatch it back, he crumples up the paper in his palms before tossing it straight into the bin.

"You know what? Screw the rules. We're doing it our way," he sneers confidently before tossing you a couple of the cables on the ground. "You're in charge of the christmas lights."

"If this place catches on fire, I'm going to sue you." you threaten as you stick your tongue out at him.

"Babe. It's fucking Christmas! Lighten up will ya?" he chuckles nonchalantly before tapping your rear cheekily as you graze past his shoulder.


"What the fuck?"



After what seemed like an eternity, you both finally stand before your masterpiece of a tree. Truthfully, you were expecting everything to go to hell before one of you gave up, but it looked surprisingly well-made. Actually, it looked better than those trees out on display.

"I told you it'd work out." Aomine teases arrogantly and you cannot help but roll your eyes.

"Oh. We forgot the star." you say as you motion towards it laying harmlessly next to the tree.

As you bend down to pick it up, you feel his strong arms wrap around your waist before lifting you up on to his shoulders. You let out a shriek as you cling to his face to prevent toppling over and falling to your death. Aomine grunts a little before steadying himself in front of the tree. In the end, you are left trembling a good height from the ground

"I bet you were going to ask me to grab the ladder." he roars with laughter and you almost fall off again.

"Th-this isn't funny. I swear to god...if you drop me Daiki.." you cannot conceal the trembling of your voice as you throw effortless threats at his face in attempts of making him put you down.

"Just hurry up and put up the lame star already. I'm getting tired. If you don't, I might actually drop you." he sighs and you lean over and fasten the star quickly.

You knew that Aomine would never dare to drop you, but you weren't going to stay on him long enough to find out if he would. He brings you back down as soon as you affirm that it was on properly. He then wraps his arms around your shoulders before nuzzling into your hair from the back. You both remain silent as the vibrant lights flicker soothingly. Before you even notice, you had been totally immersed into it that you had to blink to several times to recenter your mind back to reality. You feel Aomine's fingers lift your chin up from behind you before he leans over to meet your lips. Under the beauty of the tree, you share sweet kisses that not only renew your passion for each other, but also bring back the true spirit of christmas as well.

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