For You.(Kuroko Tetsuya)

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-My period started don't get mad at me for putting some #kimyoshi in this onset T-T.-

"Here you go." You hand Kuroko his water bottle that was sitting on the floor when he approaches the bleachers as he is called off from the ongoing match.

"Thanks (Your Name)-kun." He accepts it gratefully as he brings it to his lips as he brings the bottle up thirstily. Sweat trickled down his face and arms as he took his seat, watching the game intensely. You always knew when he was serious, his eyes grew even clearer and brighter as he concentrated, and his expression was unlike anything you were used to seeing.

You decide to take a seat next to him with a towel in your hand and your fingers casually play with the towel without you noticing as you too, begin to watch the match.

"Do you think Kiyoshi-senpai is going to be okay?" You ask worriedly as you watch the other team foul on him continuously without the referee noticing anything. The pain in his face was clearly evident, even if he tried to hide it just as quickly.

Just as you ask that question, Kuroko's expression shifts to a shocked one as he watches Kiyoshi run past for defense. As you swirl your head to see what he was reacting to, your eyes catch Kiyoshi just in time to see him collapse forwards. The Iron Heart had finally crumbled. Through the corner of your eyes, you see your co-manager, Winnie, bolt up in her chair as she cries out his name in horror. As a few Seirin teammates help him back in, you watch as Winnie rushes towards Kiyoshi's limp body. You were somewhat sympathetic as you continue to watch her holding him close as he too, wraps his arms around her waist shakily. Despite how tired and at his limit Kiyoshi was, he was still smiling and whispering comforting things to her as she shakes with tears.

"(Your Name)..." A much serious and sharp voice brings you back and you notice Kuroko clutching your hand tightly. It was the first time he had said your name without any honorifics.

"Yeah?" You ask a bit hesitantly.

"Please convince Riko to sub me in..." He squeezes even tighter and you shake your head furiously.

"No..Kuroko. You know that your endurance won't-" You begin to reason but he cuts you off.

"Please (Your Name). You're the only one who can understand me! I know I can do it." He pleads once again and you sigh.

"Fine..I'll try. BUT you better be careful out there, if you get hurt, I'll kill you with my own hands." You say bluntly and your heart skips a beat as he gives you a small smile.

"Yeah." He answers as you walk towards Riko.

He watches you silently as you talk with Riko. It was obvious that Riko wasn't going to let him in, and he couldn't help but watch you as you tried to argue. He watches Riko sigh and motion him to come over. You give him a small pat on the shoulder as he gets ready to be subbed in.

"Good luck." You whisper to him so only he could hear. You wanted him to hear it, and only him.

"I'll win this for you." He whispers back as he jogs on.

It turns out that he was not just talking bluff, Seirin did end up winning and there was joy everywhere. Amidst the team huddle that was still celebrating, you looked left and right, trying to find that one person.

"(Your Name)." You hear a familiar voice call and you turn around to see Kuroko standing there with his hands wrapped around the towel you had brought him as he smiled at you kindly.

This is when you let your emotions get the best of you, and you run up to him and hug him pretty hard. You were just relieved that he wasn't hurt like Kiyoshi, even though there were some pretty close calls.Just as you realize what you were doing, and tried to pull away, he pulls you back even closer and brings your face in with both his hands cupped to cheek as your lips make contact with his. He was sweaty and tired, but the kiss would have never tasted even sweeter than that moment. As you finally break away, you realize that the whole team was smiling stupidly in your direction and you automatically begin to blush as you two pull away. Kuroko didn't seem bothered, but you notice a twinge of red on his cheek, and you are pretty sure it wasn't because of the match he had just participated in.

Kuroko no Basket Imagines {Continued}.Where stories live. Discover now