Plastic.(Kise Ryouta)

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Everywhere Kise would go, he would be surrounded by fake people living fake lives and spewing fake stories. He never expected a life of being a model to be easy, but he never thought he would experience such bigotry in his whole life.

He watched with his own very own eyes, girls being forced into contracts that would almost last them their whole life. He watches men and women struggle to keep their weights stick-thin and also try to lead a normal life.

He's watched people he worked with collapse of exhaustion and overwork.

Isn't fashion supposed to make you look beautiful?

Is this what beautiful is?

In Kise's book, Inner beauty meant much more than what producers and fashion designers were focusing too much on, which was the outer appearance.

Whenever he tried to let out his feelings, everyone would bash him saying that he wouldn't know what it feels like to be normal. They categorize him as the perfect copy.

Nobody knew how much he disliked this nickname. It made him feel fake and manufactured. He felt unreal to himself.

He felt like he was being used up and disposed of.

He felt like he wasn't the man he wanted to be in this industry.

He felt like Plastic.

That was how he felt until he encountered an unusual girl at a photoshoot. She was an amazing photographer known worldwide and Kise was a little nervous to be doing a shoot in her presence.

" name is Kise Ryouta. It's a great privilege to be working with you." He smiled as he extended his hand to her.

"Hello! I'm (Your Full Name). I'm happy to be here." You chirped back.

Kise felt his heart flutter a little bit and put his hand on his chest to cease his irregular heartbeat.

What is this feeling?

He would think every single second of the whole shoot.

"Wait a minute." Kise hears your voice and turns back to the camera to see you making your way towards him.

You reach up and tweak a few strands of his hair out as he couldn't stop looking at your lips.

You give him a little nose scrunch and get back to your station.

"Let's begin!"

"Wow (Your Name)-icchi! These are amazing!" Kise couldn't help but exclaim as he shuffled through the photos that were recently developed.

"Ahaha you think so?" Kise noticed you scratching the back of your head bashfully and he gives off his perfect smile.

"Do you know what's my secret ingredient?" You whisper into his ear as you feel him tense up.

"I don't use photoshop."


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